Worst fear

Lucky you are so close with your family.

Probably being burned alive. Scorpions have the right idea.

Oh yeah, scorpions - but I sorted that out by picking up a big black wild one in Malaysia so now we’re cool with each other.

Lucky you are so close with your family.[/quote]

Yes. I am lucky. But I have a huge family and am close to only a small part of it. But yes, they are golden and make me much happier than I could possibly be if they didn’t exist.

But the even luckier part comes in with my sisters’ kids. My Oldest and Youngest sisters have the COOLEST kids and I love them SOOO MUCH. (The rest have okay kids)

My grandfather had one of those wartime issue wooden legs that was made out of painted hardwood and shaped to look like a real leg. It had holes cut into it in various places and one summer day (while he was wearing shorts with his wooden leg) he grabbed me and stuck my 4 year old fingers into one of the holes and told me that he had a rat living inside that was very hungry for my fingers. He was such an asshole; and that scared me then.

Most of my family had most of their teeth removed by the time they were 30. My mother and my father and my uncles used to do crazy faces at me involving popping the false teeth out in odd ways. I hated that, and I have great teeth today at 31 in spite of not having seen a dentist in 15 years.

My worst fear involves losing parts of my body. My hair is falling out and turning grey and my gums are receding a bit (normal, I think, but I’m considering seeing a dentist). Amputation of major body parts and organs due to disease and accident is a big freak for me. I can’t stand seeing stumps where normal body parts should be. The other day I saw some TV show where some guy actually lost his FACE from the upper jaw/palate to his eyebrows. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I don’t know why people continue to live that way. I don’t think I would want to.

My second worst fear involves suffocation/drowning. I never learned to swim properly and as a result have had my live saved a couple of times. In spite of this I still like water and occasionly try to swim. I cannot stand any more than light pressure on my chest and I don’t like small spaces. If you try to cover my mouth or sit on me I’m possibly going to panic and fight you. This includes sex unless you know me very well and understand how to be on top.

My third worst fear involves crowds. I once passed out completely at a rock concert (Black Sabbath) where I was way in the back, far away from the crush, and I just blacked out. Had a panic attack. Woke up in the medic tent and after a small wait, I left. I avoid crowds as best I can and always have an escape route. This said, I have performed many times in front of crowds up to 1000 people and had no problem. I just can’t be part of the crush.

I like nature and running to the hills on a regular basis is a good thing for me.

Something nasty and drawn out like slowly starving/freezing to death on some lost Arctic expedition in the company of whining and useless companions. Endless days of shivering and arguing over who was turn it was to carve a piece of freeze-dried thigh off a recently dead companion…pretty much what happened to that soccer team in the Andes (book & movie called “Alive”) but with no happy ending.

No, actually finding out that 8-track cartridge is really dead :frowning:

Thanks, now I have two. :s[/quote]

If you have two, why would you worry about having one amputated? :s[/quote] :bravo: :notworthy: :rainbow:

Open heights. I have never been to the top of the Eiffel Tower. The highest I’ve been is the second platform and I was freaking out as I climbed up that. Bu Lai En can vouch for the way I was reacting on the ride up to the camping trip during Dragon Boat Festival weekend. Or that could have been the onset of the food poisoning. I have been to the observatory in Taipei 101, but I stayed away far from the windows.

Suspension bridges. Living on the other side of Bitan, and having to get to the MRT station everyday, was not fun.

B.A.R.'s. I freaked out all the time when I got here and saw one on the counter or flying around. I have even go so far as to stay in a hotel rather than share my apartment with one at night. A few times. I have made leaps and bounds in getting better in dealing with them and I even have a plastic one on my desk at school, but I still cannot stand to see them indoors or near me and I still cannot kill them by smashing them. Only Raid will do. B.A.R.'s, by the way, are my way of dealing with getting around the word roach, when I talk about big-ass roaches. Because the word itself makes my toes curl.

Getting cancer again. I’ve been okay so far as in March of this year it will have been 12 years since I was diagnosed and I’ve had no relapses at all, but I know the next time around, if there is a next time, I will not be as lucky or resilient.

So would I, they’re crap.

I think you’re getting confused. That’s Iron Maiden

Well let’s hope you’re lucky enough not to have it a next time around. Fingers crossed :sunglasses:

Guess this thread is on “The Road to Nowhere.”

I fear you’re right.

Come to think of it, my worse fear is darkness. I’m scared shitless of darkness. I’d say it’s pretty much a phobia.

Cancer well…It’s pretty scary to say the least. Not like one can experience it often and still be around to tell others about it… Glad to read your posts ImaniOU. :slight_smile: :notworthy:



Cancer well…It’s pretty scary to say the least. Not like one can experience it often and still be around to tell others about it… Glad to read your posts ImaniOU. :slight_smile: :notworthy:


Smoking two packs a day, you say you’re afraid of cancer? :saywhat:
Or is it the fear of cancer that makes you smoke? :wink:


Cancer well…It’s pretty scary to say the least. Not like one can experience it often and still be around to tell others about it… Glad to read your posts ImaniOU. :slight_smile: :notworthy:


Smoking two packs a day, you say you’re afraid of cancer? :saywhat:
Or is it the fear of cancer that makes you smoke? :wink:[/quote]I do not smoke that much. :unamused: Smoking is bad, I know…I know… :blush:


Flying. Full stop!

I don’t have a biggest fear, and the thought of having one terrifies me. :astonished:

Oh I think we can up that: Flying . . . with China Airlines . . . sober!! :help:


Flying cockroaches.

One night when I was in Africa, I had to take a wee in the middle of the night. Got out from under my mosquito net and was just about to walk through the bedroom doorway when I saw two flying roaches, on each side of the doorway, just about level with my head.

I will never forget the feeling of seeing that and thinking they would both fly for my head simultaneously…needless to say, I held it till morning… :stuck_out_tongue: