Xenophobia towards prospective Indian blue collar migrant workers in Taiwan

I miss Loa Iok-sin’s reporting. She was one of the good ones.


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I just Googled her name. She is/was quite prolific. Thanks, I learned something today.

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I am.

A few countries and cities have indeed made policies for specific countries. For example Amsterdam for British men who they see cause problems as drunks.

See Amsterdam's newest campaign urging drunken British tourists to 'stay away' | Euronews.

There has been a few instances of places that warns Chinese tourists too.

Italy made signs to not shit on the beaches because African migrants kept doing that.

I’m sure you thought you had a gotcha moment there but my point is solid.

I believe Canadian boarder patrol also had to put up warnings to Americans who didn’t realize they couldn’t just carry their guns into Canada too.


I’m looking forward to your upcoming thread(s) on the dangers of having too many Americans in Taiwan.

What, they are no such threads?

“Solid” indeed.


Go and make one. Americans may be psychos with guns but they’re selling Taiwan weapons :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Not like we’d wanna take it over. It’s for protection from the random moose or bar that’s prowling trash cans or walking through a downtown on Tuesday.

I think it’s possible that skin color is a factor:

A routine check? - #11 by Ermintrude

Keoni Everington, “Taipei kindergarten teacher posts job ad saying ‘black or dark skinned’ people not wanted,” Taiwan News, June 12, 2018

Skin color was a factor in some parts of my country, too, but other factors eventually came into play:

Anne Moody, Coming of Age in Mississippi, page 276

(If the above page doesn’t work (because I visited it too often), you might have better luck with this page (which I also probably visited too often).

This painting might serve as another example of other factors.

Edited to add the 101st, with apologies for my omission of that outfit.

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Who knew white privilege extended all over the world?

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I see that as a variation on a theme.

Taiwan’s labor ministry is calling a Bloomberg report that the country could allow up to 100,000 migrant workers from India “fake news.” The report sparked racist comments on Taiwanese social media.


Was the initial reporting of the 100,000 number from Bloomberg? I think I first saw the news with the numbers on FocusTaiwan a few days ago which wrote:

Some reports have said Taiwan could open its doors to as many as 100,000 migrant workers from India, but Hsu said the number was still being considered as it depended on the needs of different industries and the qualifications of the workers.


Yes, Focus Taiwan report on the MOU same day as Bloomberg did not speculate on the numbers.

Bloomberg 2023-11-10 India Plans Taiwan Labor Supply Pact While China Tensions Brew - Bloomberg
Focus Taiwan 2023-11-10 https://focustaiwan.tw/business/202311100008

Here is good story on guy from India doing well, nice family and Taiwanese wite


No. They would be here to do blue collar work for a period of time, not open restaurants or settle down here.

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Sure but they have to eat and would likely want to eat food from home. Also it would be a bit of a revolving door of workers rotating in and out which means the demand remains steady.

Therefore at least some will see a business opportunity to cater to this large influx of workers from India and open new restaurants.

I didn’t mean that these workers would be the ones opening them though


What is the deal with importing laborers from one particular region?

Is Taiwan thinking “If you’re an engineer, we want you. Otherwise, you have to look like us so our offspring won’t look funny.”

I didn’t know Taiwan had a claim to my kid.

Same argument behind every protectionist rules like immigration laws.

Not uneducated white people, for example

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Michael Turton weighs in on the racist discourse in our midst:
