Xinzhuang 2016 - worth moving there?

I’m thinking about moving to Xinzhuang as I want to live in a bigger and newer apartment. There’s lots of new buildings around and a lot of choice. But I’m wondering if any of you lives there and could share experience. Is it worth moving there?
I know it’s bit on a side but we have a car and scooter to move around.
I’m not a club person, don’t need a big nightlife to stay happy. Parks are more important for us (is the riverside nice around there?).
We are family with a small baby and we simply need extra space. Right now we rent a place near Xiangshan - we love the area but renting sth bigger around means we will have to spend 60k. In Xinzhuang we can get a really nice place for less then 40k for ±40ping.
Or maybe some other areas?

Xindian. More parks. Better access. Better air. For 20k you can get a house, a real house, with a garden, in the mountains.

60k in Xiangsahn is a lotta but still within the scope. If you are paying 40K in Xinzhuang, better be 120 ping or more. Nope nope.

Only reason to live in Xinzhuang: you find a way cheaper deal: 25 to 30k tops for 70ping or more. You work in the area. You study in Fujen.

New buildings are aplenty in Taiwan, Taipei, New Taipei. Mosquito halls we call them. Problem is the devil is in the details: what about maintenance? Is it under a reliable company or the mafia? How about traffic? The environment? Shopping and amenities?

Honestly, with a kid, I’d move to child friendly areas like Neihu or even Tianmu. Yes, you can find larger -albeit older- places in those areas. But within your budget, or less. With parking on site. And close to larger parks, playgrounds and play centers, most importantly, play groups for play dates.

I’ve spend hours on 591 and trust me you won’t find 70ping for 25k (we are talking living space). 40k for over 100 ping in new building - impossible. Why new building you will ask - we are sick of leaking ceilings and other troubles that come with older ones.
I can work from everywhere, I don’t study in Fujen.
Neihu was also on our list but it’s more expensive for what we expect from the apartment.

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@mad_masala can chime in on this if he pleases

You might want to check local broker agencies or ask friends of friends (of friends) for agent referrals. Sometimes the nice apartments are not even listed on 591 because landlords don’t want to go through the hassle.

Dunno man. I’d still prefer somewhere with a park nearby, younger folk, places to eat and roam. A bike path . A hiking trail.

Have a look up the mountains. Ankeng. Since you have a car, you can bolt into the city with the new highway in 15 minutes.

New building is OK, but no guarantee. As said, management plays a very important role. Put that on the list too.

Finding a suitable place is not easy. It is out there. I just hate to see people overpay.

i live in Xinzhuang, the place its self is ok for places to eat near Fu Jen Uni allot more choice i am only 7 mins walk away from the Xinzhuang MRT station, overall it is convenient to get to taipei City Center, either take the metro or the Bus to the Blue line, they have an Ikea ,carrefour and B&Q very close by they are just finishing a Costco, but for shopping malls places to drink etc not a convenient place to stay. They have the Sports center very close by with swimming pool etc and like you say usually around here you get a bit more for your money!

It usually works better if you choose the place first. Select a building, an area, and focus the search there. Ask people, make friends with the security guards, the local grocery store/veggie vendors nearby. There is always someone in the know that has the data on the best places, the ones that don’t even make it to the websites/ads because it si not necessary.

I like the Taipei metropolitan park, which is the riverside park between Xinzhuang and Sanchong.

It’s big, open and grassy, quite good for families. Has a nice atmosphere on sunny weekends.

As a sometime resident of Xindian I’m wondering where are these amazing parks Icon is talking about. I think Xinzhuang probably edges it these days, especially with availability of a lot of newer apartments and the river parks, sports park and furen daxue (there are few new developments and certainly NO new affordable developments in Xindian and it’s getting quite crowded …dapinglin is almost zhonghe/yonghe level now).
Ankeng is not really convenient compared to Xinzhuang, the town itself is pretty horrid (rephrase some of the worst looking and designed roads on the planet for a relatively rich city) and the traffic situation is poor. I would move to Xinzhuang with no reservations but Ankeng will probably never happen UNLESS somebody gifted me a villa in the hills. Even then the wife will complain ‘inconvenient’.
Xinzhuang is a good recommendation I reckon.
Other recommendation might be Sanxia and Linkou for families.
Yilan would be the choice if I didn’t have some commuting issues.

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Mostly Bitan area, the mountain behind Bitan, Ankeng -beyond Rose City- and up Wulai road to New Taipei city and older developments. Personally, I am in love with the funky Japanese designed building next to Carrefour, with the cute HTC park on one side and access to the river park on the other, plus its own playground.

I have had several friends living in Xinzhuang and Sanchong and other Western areas. Wanhua close to the Youth Park seemed interesting, as you mention, close access to the city and convenience plus small parks and river park. Traffic, though, for me it seemed a bit of a tangle. However, you do have a good point regarding newer afordable apartments/buildings. I wouldn’t go as far as Sanxia or Linkou for convenience sake, but they have a car. Also, it depends on his workplace commute.

Some pals that were studying in Fujen scored a place in a high rise with an awesome balony for parties. It was about 30+ but 4 rooms and a large kitchen.

With a small baby you need somewhere you can push the pram to. Or small neighhborhood parks -which are ubiquitopus in taipei City but non existent in New Taipei City. Here we need eyes on the ground to tell us how is the sidewalk situation.

Again, I think it is a situation where the OP needs to go to hsi area of interest and refuese to leave until he gets a place within his scope. Any suggestions about the area where he can start looking from any of the residents?

I mean, an apartment may look awesome in the website, but as mentioned, the surroundings and management and traffic can only be experienced in situ.

I m new here in Hsinchuang the apartment was not new but no major problem, very near to MRT Danfong.

Its better to check with agents much quicker.

Also lots of scooter and bit worried migth one day hit by scooter.

Broom…broommm… zoommm

Thanks for all the comments ( still waiting for a longer one from @mad_masala :)).

Having recently been looking in that area for a house/villa, I can safely say you will get SFA for 20K up there these days.


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Sorry to spoil your campaign for more neighbors in Xindian, but OP does not have to go all the way to Xindian for mountain houses. There’s some up in Neihu behind Bihu and Dahu that are very nice and for about that price.

Just might be a little scary to go up and down the mountain during typhoons.

Eh…I’m don’t think you understand what SFA means…:slight_smile:

If I had to take a guesses…

Sweet Furry Animals?? :smiley:

In all seriousness, “Sweet Fck’all” ? I won’t lie, I had to Google this one.

British English slang. Also refers to “Sweet Fanny Adams”

Yep, prices have increased since the MRT announced it will start a line there, a la Tamsui.

Wulai side still affordable, especially after last typhoons.

Xindian is OKish, needs a proper mall a la Tianmu with cinema and foreign stuff, but Zhonghua road with its tree boulevard is nice. Just avoid -never ever- MeiHe Su.

On places with nice houses, there are also in Xinyi, close to the Medical University -very hilly though, and so far, not even a 711 in sight.

We have a bunch of friends up in Xizhi, with lovely houses. Car is a must, yes, area prone to occassional floods, but there are lovely complexes with plenty of amenities at affordable prices. The area is also child friendly.

A German restaurant, a Tapas bar, a Carrefour, few Wellcome, few Starbucks, a large hospital and a new shopping mall.
Oh yeah a (soon-to-be-opened) MRT station.


Always found it to be pretty much permanent traffic, especially after the MeHas (美河市) complex was completed.

Have never seen the attraction in the place, the shopping centre that seems like it will never open, the odd ball MRT branch line. It’s not even that convenient to get to the river side despite it’s location. Is there an insider special reason to avoid?

I looked at some places out there earlier this year, very nice. Decent footpaths, nice wide streets, good facilities. Very much reminded me of some of China’s new purpose built cities, the good points. What put me completely off was the snarls trying to get to the freeway and I wasn’t even visiting at peak times.

Some of the newer areas in Neihu and XiZhi are also quite nice.

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