YC & GM - Taipei


euro trading co., ltd.
The company is the exclusive agent of famous snacks and beverages in Spain. At present, it owns brands such as Colacao, Cuétara & Artiach, and will launch more brands to share with you in the future. :+1:
Interested friends can purchase our products through our partner company YC&GM



法國廚師的甜點 105, Taipei City, Songshan District, Yanshou St, 89號



台北最好的甜點,多虧了Nosif廚師對YC&GM手工產品的支持,您還可以在法國廚師Dessert Nosif商店購買我們的產品

When you have time, don’t forget to visit the French chef’s dessert Nosif store

The best desserts in Taipei, thanks to Chef Nosif’s support for YC&GM handmade products, you can also buy our products at the French Chef Dessert Nosif store

法國廚師的甜點-外帶外送 線上訂購官網

French Chef’s Desserts - Takeaway Online Ordering Official Website



巧克力可頌/Pain au chocolat

杏仁可almond croissant

巧克力葡萄歐包/chocolate raisin bread

咖啡核桃歐包/Coffee Walnut Bread


蛋糕/ Cakes

YC&GM三明治餅乾/ YC&GM Sandwich cookies

來吧!營業中 posted a video to the playlist ‎**‎【老屋大小事 (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧】‎**‎.

25 April ·



吳映潔 Gemma Wu


📺 3/19起 每週六

✔️TVBS 42頻道 晚上8:00 ✔️台視頻道 晚上10:00

📌 3/27 Netflix 台灣上架

Mid-Autumn Festival2022

Have you guys ever considered using a catchy name instead of ~1/12 of the alphabet letters? Just asking because I can never remember initials, so I wouldn’t know where to look if I want to get your cookies.

Boaty McBoatface’s Fantabuluos Cookies or something similarly memorable.

Also, does anyone still use Facebook?

are the initials of two names
Do you have the same problem remembering BMW or LG?

Remind us what those companies make again?

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ha, I know BMW motorbikes and cars, had to search LG as I did not buy this phone (Did not know it was a phone company)


New look

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I’m seeing this Basque cheesecake everywhere in Taiwan, did you start the trend?

I didn’t
The funny thing is that normally the Taiwanese are not fans of cheese but they love cheesecake


Untitled design (2)

Authentic fresh horchata in keelung city

1 Like