YC & GM - Taipei

It’s a new cookies and cakes handmade stand with sugar substitute and without preservatives
(A sugar substitute is a food additive that provides a sweet taste like that of sugar while containing significantly less food energy than sugar-based sweeteners, making it a zero-calorie or low-calorie sweetener)


您現在可以到三總內湖分院地下二樓微風三總美食街找到我們的商品 You can now find our products at the Breeze Sanzong Food Street on the second floor of the Sanzong Neihu Branch

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why would you even post such monstrosities on this page?


well now my post doesn’t make sense because it was on a Mrs. Fields page and now this isn’t a Mrs. Fields page

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Why are you posting this image? Is there something we should know about these products? Tell us more! :grin:



We gotta keep this place clean! But I try to avoid temping.



YC&GM cakes and cookies use monkfruit sugar as an ingredient.

Here some of the benefits of monk fruit

It’s made in Taiwan and it’s handmade for a 外國人


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Is @Gmu a promoter for these bakeries? I can’t say I would ever want to buy anything from them based on the pictures I see here. What kind of cookies even are those?

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Maybe here you will see more information about those cookies and meringues

Yes I’m the owner of YC& GM, we sell online and inside Tri-Service General Hospital, No. 325 號, Section 2, Chenggong Rd, Neihu District, Taipei City. The reason why the hospital allows us to sell our products can its because ours cookies are made with natural ingredients and without any preservatives.
The cookies are shortbread handmade with monk fruit sugar.


Do you have cinnamon rolls?

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No yet but l will try soon to do it
But we have cinnamon cookies

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Metal boxes cookies

Is this metal recyclable?