Yellow Plate: License and regulations

I’ve been driving a Gmax 200 for about a year now, and although I LOVE the bike, it’s always been a bit short in terms of power (14hp). I’m getting more and more keen on the 300’s that I get to see around in Taipei (for example the Shadow 300).
After much searching and reading, it seems I cannot find a definite answer to these few questions about Yellow Plate bikes (251-549cc):
-What kind of license do you need to ride one?
-What can you do with it (parking, left lane, left turn, expressway)?

I should point out, I have no interest in Red Plates bikes (too heavy for me).

Damn, That sounds very stupid!
But then again, I’ve given up on “logic” since living here.

I’m gonna cross my fingers and hope that with all these new bikes coming out from the major local manufacturers, something is gonna change at some point (ok, I’m not really believing in it).

Thanks for the answer!

iix23, do you know if the ownership is limited or restricted in anyway? Do you get pulled over more regularly to have your license checked?

Let’s say that “a friend” has been driving here for a while without any license except a foreign one, what would be the difference if he was to drive a yellow plate?

Thanks for the info about the red and yellow plates.

From my “friend” knew, Taiwan is one of the rare places in the world where license and coverage by insurance do not go together during a crash.
Another friend has been pulled over and fined 30k for drinking (idiot was driving like a mad man). Not being able to produce his license, he was also fined 6000NTS specifically for that.