Yilan County - Taipingshan | Taiwan unveils world's first 'certified quiet hiking trail'

There’s also a certified dark sky park in Taiwan. Let’s see if they’ll get a certified odorless trail next.

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If this is you, I want you to stand up and be recognized.
I was once camped along a trail near 四分尾山. I hear someone coming up the trail, so I peek out of my hammock. This guy is in bright neon fishnet, macheteing his way through the underbrush and blasting Italian opera. Hats off to you, whoever you are; You are one of a kind.


And the point/result of certifying a hiking trail as quiet is?

Attracting more people, making it less quiet…



I once spent a few days in a yurt at the far end of this lake

Back then only accessible by boat. I was amazed that people would go all the way there and just yell into the silence. I guess when you come from a place where there is always human noise, the absence must be very discomforting

But me, I go hiking to hear the birds and the breeze and the bugs.


I agree that on this issue the average is very low, but not all Taiwanese, is all. Let us give credit where it is due and avoid overly broad brushes.

I rode the southern cross island highway yesterday, and was pleasantly surprised at how many cars pulled over and let me pass. But there were still the usual assholes that crawled through the corners and sped up on the straight areas where it would have been safe for me to pass


Lot of drivers here don’t look in the rear mirror, like they don’t look left when they turn right onto a major road. It always boggles my mind, cause it’s just basic survival skills. I don’t want a speeding gravel truck or cement mixer behind me on a downhill mountain road, so I look into the mirror all the time.


Yes, lots. Too many for my taste. Infuriating, but not mind boggling. @MalcolmReynolds nailed it, IMO:


They should be ducking banned.

They should be driven underground…

Bullshit. One time I went there precisely in the hope of some good darkness and cars kept parking with the lights on, even if all occupants left for a noisy walk.

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This is very true.

It fucking terrifies them.


Maybe they sprayed the trail with anti-COVID bleach and killed off all the wildlife?


Just wait until someone starts selling beetlenut there and sets up the largest brightest flashing green whatever the heck it is that can be seen from the heavens

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Did they kick out or kill off all the birds and insects and other animals that make noises or do none of them want to live there anymore.

Maybe there are signs that say no birds or insects allowed even if you’re just migrating through.

I think I walked part of that trail two or three times and I don’t remember it ever being quiet because too many tourists but it was usually on a weekend.

I stayed at the hotel and once got up to watch the sunrise and it was too foggy and you could hear people through the fog making it noisy.

It’s nice to read this thread as a mirror of this one from 2020, featuring my most popular link to date. :upside_down_face:


“Mountain assholes” has a different uh um ring to it.

They must have banned mountain assholes during this particular trail analysis

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It’s so noisy on popular trails like Seven Star that I’ve taken to wearing headphones. I’d rather be listening to Sigur Ros than the awful music people play here. (Although I don’t mind the odd bit of nakasi)

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A sublime way to enjoy life!


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Try hiking in Buckinghamshire and Northumberland U.K. it’s deathly quiet on most trails.
One day in Northumberland I done 8 hour circular hike, met 1 old lady on a doddering horse the whole time.
Non certified quietest hike.