Your experience with racism in Taiwan

Does your dad help you out financially? Have you tried asking him to support your business by helping you buy some equipment you need?

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I have tried asking. No he does not help financially. He tells me he doesn’t have money to give.

Whenever he comes over (to make sure his household registration doesn’t lapse, so he doesn’t lose his state benefits) he might give me 10,000nt or something. Probably a bribe for taking my house for the few weeks.

When I ask he tells me I must earn the seed capital needed, and that nobody in the family have ever needed to ask for seed capitals.

But maybe he will help, who knows. My dad has been known to say no at first then agree to it after a long time.

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Plenty of millennials in the US live with their parents because of student loans.

Fortunately, I never had student debt. Parents paid for college and Uncle Sam paid for grad school.

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According to whom?

In my opinion, the Taiwan Employment Gold Card scheme is racist: it gives preferential treatment to people from rich countries, which are predominantly white. Those from lower income countries must be exceptional to be approved, as most will not be able to use the Field of Economy “backdoor”, whereas an average person from a rich country can easily meet the income threshold. If the Taiwan government does not intend to be racist, then the criteria ought to be changed to something like: the applicant’s wage & salary must be in the top X % of the country where they earn the wage, and no less than NT$160,000/month.


I assume you are white? It’s funny no one in this thread really mentions if they are white or what but I imagine you are only complaining about this because now it’s actually more common for whites to be the victims of racism in Taiwan and other places in Asia. The irony…

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According to me. I teach university students, and 90% live with their parents or will when they leave their dormitories,


I doubt 90% study in the same city their parents live in even.

So there’s probably a bit of tunnel vision complaining about minor acts on individual racism while overlooking the benefits (especially when we want to put it in context of racism where most complainants come from, where racism is more systemic with no benefits).

I’m also amazed at the view that most are living at home with a bunch of free shit. Average wages in Taiwan are shit. It’s a tough go there for many.

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That’s ridiculous. Obviously it benefits Taiwan for people who come to have more money.


I have direct experience with this.

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Taiwanese never leave the country?


Last time I checked, there were like 500000 foreigners and 90% are from Southeast Asia.

Foreigners statistically are gettin the short end of the stick.


Oh wow, so “90% of university students live with their parents (which is a horseshit statement in itself)” translates to “90% of Taiwanese live with their parents”? That’s some impeccable logic. I guess the remaining 10% are the parents you are referring to that can provide food and housing for the 90%.

If you want to complain about racism in Taiwan, at least make some fucking effort.

Sorry this happens to you. The large majority of people in Taiwan are not like that, at most, people can be ignorant living in a homogenous society. Many of us have pushed for more internationalization of Taiwan, it’s not something that happens overnight and it’s slowly progressing.

Although it’s something most people say just shake off, which is sound advice. I know how it can feel when it happens when you are living in another country trying to fit in. It feels like the whole society wants you out, I assure you it’s not like that. Don’t let it bother you too much.


In other words, when a black guy born in Kentucky is called the n-word, it’s racism, but when the same happens to the Nigerian immigrant who made a choice to come to the US, it’s just “simple xenophobia.”


NT$160K/month in the Bay Area of the US is poverty level. It’s idiotic to set a flat rate without considering regional differences, especially the Gold Card holders are not required to bring that income to Taiwan, or make equivalent amount while in Taiwan.

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The Iranian/NZ pilot who has resulted in people not going to a pub frequented by pilots.

You haven’t quoted me so people won’t understand that from your reply.


Every country discriminates like mad.

Look at visa acceptance rate by country of most EU countries and there is a clear pattern of discrimination. Very few rejections from white/EU countries and massive (as much as 90%) rejection from African countries. I don’t know the stats for the US however.

In fact the whole need for a visa to go to any country to work, live, travel, etc. is in itself discriminatory.


I think they do have a policy though that if you have a new job now in Taiwan paying atleast 160k a month, you can come on a gold card. Doesn’t matter what you were earning before. Isn’t it ?