Your experience with racism in Taiwan

I think that there are a few key differences between “racism” and simple “xenophobia”

  1. Most non-Taiwanese have made a choice to be in Taiwan (for whatever reason) while African Americans, Mexican Americans and some of the Asian Americans did not have a choice to be in the US

  2. It’s possible that some non-Taiwanese have been killed simply for being non-Taiwanese while doing random daily things, but I haven’t heard of any

  3. There are plenty of non-Taiwanese getting really high salaries (I did before I left) that most Taiwanese could not really dream of. The average white English teacher in Taiwan makes more than the average Taiwanese English teacher right? No idea really, just a guess from reading this forum

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Had a friend who always introduced himself in Mandarin as “___ from New York”, which I thought was a little strange- I didn’t introduce myself as “Mike from Vancouver”. Then I realised that, as he was of mixed South Asian and Latin American descent, he said it so people would know he was American, and not treat him as an inferior Third-Worlder.


So the Taiwanese are not open to a little NSFW banter ?

A little cussing is fine with good friends, but don’t use the phrase @OysterOmelet mentioned in a confrontation unless you’re prepared for violence.


This is heading toward Guilt island.


You want the Cantonese variant too?

Dieu lei lomo.

Vietnamese is also available. Just let me know.


So what? The “average white teacher” has no support network. 90% of Taiwanese live with their parents. Free rent, free utilities, free food, free laundry, free scooter, etc. Or they live in a place that daddy bought them. So chop off that 30 or so k from the salary, and speak about pay inequality.


I don’t have any of that and I still make the same shit wage as the average Taiwanese.

Not all of them have that support network, or the support network comes at a great cost (you have to be robots for them). Or parents refuse to provide the support. Some Taiwanese live quite hard lives, as in they have to pay their parents AND make the same shit wage.


Tell them to go back to the Philippines.:joy:

Oh please stop the dribble. What has this got with the OP having rocks thrown at him?


They only Linked them during the pandemic, correct.

Well, that’s you. You’re not representative of the average person.
And you chose your profession, dude. You could easily have been a plumber or electrician and be raking in the big bucks. No “foreigners” working in those fields.
You could also (god forbid) be a teacher, making an above average salary, but you don’t want to.

From 2006:

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Yes and some (a lot??) live a pampered man child existence.
Not a knock, just an observation.


This is not 100% true, many working adults pay their parents out of duty or tradition even if their poor (or parents rich and not need the cash) they just do not share personal money matters (but on other hand ask personal questions to me and others, so now I ask how much they pay for many things and make to Taiwanese and often they tell me).

Correction: Independent contractor plumbers/electricians make good money. If you go apply for a job as plumber or electrician then you will get less than 2000nt a day for 12 hours of backbreaking work in the typical hot and humid Taiwan weather. Of course independent contractors must have seed capital, find a source of customers, etc. just like me.

I could be a teacher, but since I’m not a people person, and I can’t use being white as a shield against social awkwardness, I am not hired as a teacher.

Very few Taiwanese lives in a house their dad bought them.

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It is certainly not 100%, true, but is for the most part.

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Fisticuffs are fine, but when they call all their uncles and nephews and they all come armed with baseball bats and watermelon knives, you better run. :wink:

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I’m not paying my dad. I have no plan to. He makes far more than I can ever imagine and his state benefit far exceeds what I can make working my butt off. He is already taken care of.

What Iranian what trouble fill us in who are not on the island ?

Throwing rocks at someone is an offense