Your experience with racism in Taiwan


There aren’t enough people who have it, are non-asian and have been stopped so the opportunity for one to sue the government is really low.


It would be but has anyone ever actually been stopped on that (reading previous posts now) that would be a negative experience. Especially if it happened more than once. Kinda find it hard to believe to be honest, but you never know. Actually I can imagine that happening

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For me it’s been mild for the most part. When I try to buy pork dishes, i often get refused because they say there’s pork in here! But I’m not Muslim or Arab I’m just brown skinned. But usually I explain i can eat pork and that’s the end of it.

Teaching kids I’ve had very young students ask me if I’m a monster or a monkey. But these were very small kids.

The worst thing I had was my work once tried to force me to shave my beard because a parent complained that I looked “too scary”. I refused to comply with this request which created some real headaches at work to say the least.

But for the most part, people in Taiwan have been very accepting of me. It’s a lot different than Japan where some people wouldn’t even talk to me.

I only lived in Taipei for a little over a year before though. I’m heading back this month. I think it’s important to mention the length of stay.


Not in civilised countries

Would saying the country of Taiwan’s cultural memory get you in hot water or something?

Honestly for every experience with racism in Taiwan there are thousands cases in the west


Sure but that one group of people keeps doing the same types of things and it’s very annoying.

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Did you finally get a job and all your paperwork sorted? It’s been quite a saga for you, hasn’t it?!



Been pretty wild. I get my landing permit sometime next week (just needs the final stamp) then I can apply for my visa, take the test and I can fly. I’m hoping in 2 weeks i can come, but more realistically it’ll be 3.


I got advice from a lawyer on that a few years ago. They can search you if they have a reasonable suspicion that you are under the influence, behaving strangely etc , but they do need a reason. It is now illegal to film uniformed police officers face in Taiwan. That was part of some organized crime bill. (No I won’t send links lol) you can believe it or not. I believe the media are exempt, but I would advise your friend not to stick your/her/his phone in their faces. :grinning:

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I wouldn’t doubt it personally. I experienced much more bigotry in the US than in Taiwan. It’s very rare and minor here in my personal experience.

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Your list of civilised countries must be very short.

Does it show a country is civilized when they can stop someone on their colour of skin? Even the USA has been moving away from that strongly over the years because they had to finally acknowledge how wrong it was but was normalized for way too long.

Japan is a country that randomly harasses obviously non Japanese looking foreigners for their ID. I’ve never once been asked for ID in Taiwan unless I make a traffic violation.


I’ve been asked four times by police. Twice in a pool hall and twice in a pub.


I think stopping people for ID based on the color of their skin is wrong, full stop, but the police in the US has a different racket going. Civil Asset Forfeiture


You go to pool halls ?

Haven’t been for over a year, but used to play every Friday.

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It is racial profiling as this happens to foreigners with certain looks.

I am white westerner. If it is normal, than I would have been asked for ID a few times during last 6 years. But no, not a single time. Quite the opposite. In traffic stops they wave me through 80% of the times, while checking all SEA foreigners for alcohol levels. I can only remember two times I had done an alcohol check. One at a traffic stop and once when a scooter crashed into my car and fled. The police is supposed to check for alcohol after an accident.


For a half-second I was thinking, “Well, of course the Vikings should be tested, what with those horned helmets!” Then I parsed the Southeast Asia.