Youtuber Explorer Nick

The reasons for this have been discussed at length

i can imagen (but not bothered enough to search the forum).
in my mind it due to the same reasons the UK got rid of its litter bins in the 90ā€™s.
i know its not but i like to give things a little back story to justify the inconveniences :wink:

This is a job? Enabling voyeurs?

Mandatory domestic rubbish bags cost money , some householders used the public bins to dispose of their household rubbish thus stuffing them up.

Solution was to remove most of the bins , nothing to do with terrorism interestingly enough.

Also interesting is that most streets would be fairly spotless in Taiwan or at least in Taipei except for cigarette butts, plastic toothpicks and dog shit. In the hinterland add in discarded betelnut containers and whisby bottles .

Yes I notice these things.

By far the worst are the discarded plastic cigarette butts everywhere. One day some celebrity will do a vlog on it and it will finally become socially unacceptable to throw your cigarette butts in the drains or on the ground.

Add to that cigarette packaging. It seems the norm to take off the packaging of a new pack of fags and throw it on the floor. People donā€™t bother to be surreptitious about it, so I assume itā€™s accepted culturally and not considered deeply disrespectful.


Smokers ā€¦People here donā€™t confront shit.

Taiwan needs these. Guys here love to fish and love to smokeā€¦ it even shows how many fish can supposedly be saved.



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ā€œFeed me buttsā€ is kind of a kinky slogan.


I am happy to see Cjayride standing up for himself and calling out the hypocrisy that he dealt with. But he better be on a plane right now because his logic and anger, as solid and righteous as it is, is not going to go over well.


donā€™t like the guy, or streaming. but yea the uprising against him is pretty weird and pathetic.


They should replace the CKS statue at CKS memorial hall with a giant Whisbih bottle. Itā€™s probably the most iconic image of Taiwan I can think of. They literally built this island powered by Whisbih.

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watched cjrides 30 minute video about leaving taiwan. he says he is suing apple daily, interesting. yea it is kind of low how the media made him into public enemy no.1. literally the most hated foreigner here, for what? being a bit of a douche bag? iā€™ve had conversations with taiwanese people about this guy and they hated him with passion. there was no changing their minds.


Apple Daily is cancer.

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Taiwan likes to masquerade as a devolped country but when push comes to shove their true colors show and theyā€™re all too willing to revert to good old fashioned mob culture.

Found the fan of Curtis James Jackson III !

Tinder doesnā€™t work for meā€¦ ā€˜ā€˜tis a sad day everydayā€” Iā€™m over it now.

My coworker once told me that mob culture, is the best culture.

Nope he didnā€™t. But swear to god, if I could read minds, Iā€™d be right.