Zain Dean conviction--fatal hit & run case PART IV

Taiwan having the death penalty doesn’t help them in terms of deporting people from Europe.
I doubt the UK or EU would deport anyone back to Taiwan if it was a sentence punishable by death or a sentence considered inhumane. It was hard enough to try and deport Dean let alone if it was someone who was facing the death penalty (if they were located in the EU, Canada.)…

In Canada they just register the car in a family members name and keep on truckin. It’s not like if they get caught they’re gonna lose their license.

Correct, “Zain Dean” wasn’t his birthname. He started using it so he could return to Taiwan after being kicked out on a previous criminal conviction.

He’s now changed his name again according to UK media.

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Callum Rafael Scott.
That’s pretty bold.

So he did 2.5 years in Edinburgh, is that right?
I’m pretty sure that would be 2.5 years in jail/remand too, not prison, which would be a completely different bag of neeps.
And he’d have done the same time here if he hadn’t appealed (actually less with good behaviour and all).
But the real stinkeroo is, and I’d need someone to confirm, but wouldn’t he have done way more than that in Scotland for vehicular manslaughter?
2.5 years seems crazy light for that in any western country.

What’s the point changing your name if everyone knows?

Seems you can change your name as easily as you change your underwear in the UK

Guesss. Scott is for being locked up in Scotland

Yes how long would one be locked up on the UK for a drunk driving death ?

yup pretty easy.

I could call myself Thomas Purr if i wanted to i guess.

I’ve done it before. 100 Kiwi dollars and they reissue your birth certificate. The ease of access is due to the need for some people (domestic abuse victims for example) to obscure their identity.

Purr Catt?

He was born in Edinburgh and grew up there.

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End of an era


Wow, best part of a decade that dragged out. Wonder what he’s up to now?

Now comes the book/movie deal.


Changing the surname in the UK can be done in about 10 minutes in a library, changing your given names or Christian names is a much longer process I believe due to some ecclestical law.

‘Locked up abroad’?

In most normal countries it would be the other way around. For good reason.

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I agree yes. I believe they still had hanging for witchcraft in England up until about 10 years ago. :face_with_monocle:
That was another one of those bizarre religious laws , no witches have been hung for quite a while though.

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Bojo could be a ‘witch’!

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He served his time. Let him go.

Looks like in the UK, the maximum penalty for “Causing death by careless driving while unfit through alcohol/over prescribed limit” is 14 years.

He should have at least paid the family compensation (as the court ordered) That left a poverty stricken family with a single bread winner in extreme hardship I would guess. I thought his company had millions he drove an expensive car and went to KTV parties I doubt he was penniless like his victims likely were. PRESUMING HE ACTUALLY DID IT