Zain Dean conviction--fatal hit & run case PART IV

zain is out on bail after 2 and a half years in scottish prison. And will NOT be extradited to TAiwan to serve the remainder of his 4 year taiwan sentence.

Looks like the Scottish court is satisfied that justice has been served.

wasnt the original taiwan sentence 2 and a half years?

its time for taiwan to let this one go.

he has served his time.


repeat killers can get up to life in prison now in taiwan

He still needs to pay compensation to the family. Red envelopes solve a lot.

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Perhaps I’ve been living here too long, but I agree. Even if his story is true the newspaper delivery guy would not be dead if it weren’t for Dean’s decisions that night. I think the family were claiming 4 million NT. If he’s honourable he would pay it.


He should pony up, agreed.
I doubt he will though knowing his history.


True but not sure he has the money and prison doesn’t pay too well. Plus now he’s out he has to earn a living or I guess he may be on the dole and that doesn’t allow him to pool together 4 million taiwan dollars anytime soon.

He should get a job then and start paying .

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He should be sent to wherever the Colonies are now and work off his debt.

Do you think he should have to pay it if he is innocent and falsely accused?


Getting sent from Britain to the colonies now is like doing time in a penthouse :smiley:

That being said I am reminded of a joke. Who wants to hear?
So a pom departs his plane at Sydney airport, ready to start a new life down under. While going through customs the officer asks: “do you have a criminal record?” Confused, the pom replies “I wasn’t aware you still needed one.”


Why are people being allowed to drive within 5 years of causing a drunk driving death in the first place? You should get at least 10-15 years for a DUI that results in a death on the first offense imo. And driving license suspended for life.

And yes, repeat offenders should get life. None of this “5 years to life” extreme wiggle room. Just life, period.


Yes, I explained why in the sentence preceding the one you have quoted.

Who gets falsely accused in Taiwan?

That doesn’t prevent them from driving.

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It prevents some from driving. It’s a deterrent at the very least.

If they are considerate people.

Well I guess Zain should not be looking into air tickets to fly out to visit Taiwan in the near future as Taiwan still considers him a fugitive. And with the unlimited times a person can be tried for the same crime and with different sentences each time, the next time he could get ten years . Who knows.

Essentially if I was Zain I would stay the hell outa dodge.

If I were Zain, I would’ve done a lot of things differently.

But no, he shouldn’t come back to Taiwan. Even if he could, it would be a horrible idea. The whole country hates him. Why would he even want to? What’s here for him? I guess he had a girlfriend or fiancée at one point…? But if he came back the media would have a field day using him as a punching bag to stir up a new wave of hate and resentment for all westerners and their supposed privilege. He’d be hounded by nationalist netizens filming his every move, so every time he sneezed without covering his mouth it would be posted in an anti-expat FB group. And what business could he continue here? Who would want to work with him, knowing the collateral damage such an association brings? So even if there were no legal ramifications (which is zero to slim chance) his life would still be hell. Best he stays in the UK for his own good and pretty much everyone’s good tbh.


Only problem is that he had a habit of returning to the rock. IIRC he got into a bit of a problem once and skipped the island but came back. Course that was nothing as big as this incident.

They were still talking about this case on Taiwan radio today. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of Taiwanese felons that have absconded overseas but this guy really embarrassed them.
There are even other wanted Taiwanese in the UK for serious crimes but they are not pursuing them e.g. Lafayette scandal arms dealer.

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