Advice and tips on dating Taiwanese girls

Are you a Westerner? Did you only pursue women who spoke English and knew somewhat about Western-style dating? They might have just given you a pass so you never knew you were a committing an Asian dating faux pas? :man_shrugging:t2:

In any case, I’ll just give it a try. Maybe she’ll give me a pass too. There is no way I am confessing my love (like?) for her before I even take her out on one date.

Nice! And that is why we are all here on Forumosa — to learn these clever tricks from Uncle Tommy.

I think your idea of dating here may be coming from surface appearances. Many people here care about appearances, but what they say in public and what goes on in private are very different things. People are people, and if she’s into you, she’ll let you know (probably not verbally). But you have to make things clear to her too. And no, this doesn’t involve endless texting on Line.


Small Konger, listen here. I put no limitations on the women I pursued. And I did not worry about faux pas.

Dating should be a natural and enjoyable thing so I suggest you stop over-thinking it. If you like this girl simply ask her to dinner, stop dilly dallying (girls hate a dilly dallyer). And don’t invite Peter either.



It really happens everywhere like that to a large degree (except no two lesbians can be butch with butch lol).

Of course we have all seen the exceptions here too, especially for the xiao kai 2nd gen rich kids.

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Won’t be making THAT mistake again! :laughing:


I seem to recall that you are gay and have admitted to having extremely limited social skills

Sure, a lot of women prefer alpha assholes. Nice guys finish last. Girls don’t like boys, girls like cars and money.


Plenty of girls to go around, as long as the guy has something to offer and has realistic standards. I’m short, fat, and poor. But I’m a great cook, have been told I’m a talented storyteller, am not considered a boring person, and in Taiwan have learned I can’t aim for women more than a few years younger than me. I do quite alright.

As for being an asshole, I’m either that or funny/witty, depending on perceptions of sarcasm

The fact is, we miss 100% of the shots that we don’t take, and girls being chased by multiple boys won’t be available forever


Dude, you didn’t just walk up to her on the street and ask her out

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That’s why you find a pretty girl who doesn’t know she’s pretty - the best of all worlds. :sunglasses:

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Probably Little Tommy helped make a lot of decisions :laughing:


Yeah, agreed. weird family politics.

Only pretty girl who doesn’t know she’s pretty is lying or she’s actually blind


Knew a girl in college (sansei, from a wealthy family) who was drop-dead gorgeous and had no idea. Great personality, very down to earth. Unfortunately, when she was available I had a girlfriend, and when I was available she had a boyfriend. Still kicking myself over that one.


What do you want? To bang or to date? If you want to date then you need to be at least on the same wavelength. Just be yourself, she either accepts you as who you are or the relationship isn’t going anywhere anyways.

Taiwanese are a diverse and accepting bunch regardless of what many claim.


Find an excuse to get close to each other. Maybe go to the beach, and ask her to put some lotion on your back… “Oooh, Yeah! Down a little. That’s better,… Oooh, you’re the best! Harder! Harder! Yes, Yes, Yes!”
Or invite her over to your pad to see your posters. You stand behind her, slip your arms around her, and whisper into her ear about the deep meaning behind all of your wall art:
" This one is Che. He once said, “If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine.”"
" This one over here with the rainbow says, “Love!” That’s what it’s all about, right?"
If you’re not great with words, just invite her over and have your Twister pad set out on the livingroom floor with plenty of massage oil nearby. Explain to her that the rules say that it must be played wearing underpants.
Tommy taught us all of these moves long ago. He can explain the details if you need.


The one that got away
I’m kicking myself for the many opportunities I never thought about when they were happening

Wish we could rewind and live each one of those tangents


Sounds like somebody’s been watching too much porn. This can’t seriously go down in real life without receiving a nice slap in the face.

Or with all the metoo movement, a sexual harassment charge.

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FIFY :slightly_smiling_face:

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does your wife kick you over that one, too?

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