Classic Posts ★★★★★

Preserving this one :slight_smile:

Preserving this one:

I feel a little like Degrassi High - New Generation here, because I’m not familiar with a lot of the posters mentioned upthread. Anyway for as long as this newbie has been around, below are some completely off the cuff suggestions.

The following two posts had me in tears. @MalcolmReynolds post when he visited the hospital that time, and @KINGKONGDONK’s Street Fighter II car stage post about the tough guys that trashed that guy’s car recently.

@Brianjones probably needs to be represented here too, I’ll have to ponder on it.

There was @Fuzzy_Barbecue’s thread about citizenship too, crazy read!

I’ll try search them up tomorrow (on the clock).

Shameless self-plug:



Looking forward to reading after you quote

A post was merged into an existing topic: Why so much 𝖗𝖊𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓? :dvd:

It’s weird how these old users were posting multiple times a day and then suddenly just dropped off the face of the earth. Seems there are hundreds of them. I wonder how many of them stopped posting because they died.

I bet many of them lost their account and had to make a new one. Hope I’m not breaking the rules by saying this but there is an old account I created in 2015 which I lost the password and email account to. That’s why I made meishijia when I came back to Taiwan in 2020.

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Well, it used to be a community. We all used to meet up; knew each other irl. We’d have drinks together. Go to each other’s homes for dinner. Now it’s just Taiwan Twitter.



In truth very very few. People stop posting because they find something better to do. I’d guess quite a few cop a ban or get into a big flame up and can’t be bothered coming back.

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or they start that other unnamed site that has since been taken off the web

what site was that?

Another opportunity to leave a comment about our good friend Alan Parkes (Shiadoa). Wherever he is in the universe now there will be a fast car, plenty of champers and good times being had by all. Miss you, buddy. :heart:

Quite a few older posters are now on Facebook, still acting like patronising arseholes, in certain cases. :joy:


Ah Fred Smith :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Or even that other other parody site :rofl:

:rofl: Truly the Bacchanalians Bacchanalian.

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Wholesome content


Sad but should be preserved