Daily Photos -- Part 14

To where?

This is just past Wutai on Hwy 24.

My photos aren’t very good quality, but it’s time to revive this thread.

Menghuan Pond, Yangmingshan

Teapot Mountain

an old Japanese train tunnel at Maioli city.

This is how I do selfies. None of those damn selfie sticks.

banpingshan, taiwan by Kirk Beiser, on Flickr

One of the purple butterflies in Maolin. The other is different. I have been up there several times but I saw the most butterflies this year. I always thought people were colorblind calling them purple butterflies since usually you only see the brown side of their wings but this time the purple was obvious.

K5IM3577 by Kirk Beiser, on Flickr

One of my favorite waterfalls (and a relatively easy hike).

Maolin Valley, Taiwan by Kirk Beiser, on Flickr

nice, I couldn’t get a close up shot like that when I went last year. Did you use a telephoto lens or just cropped a larger photo?

I used a 100mm (APSC) lens so it is a short(ish) telephoto but it required a lot of cropping.

where is that waterfall?

Xin Liao, in the southern part of Yilan county near Plum Blossom lake.

Same waterfall, shot from inside the river. It’s not far from where I work, so I often ride my bicycle there and enjoy a fresh hike.

[quote=“Ibis2k12”]Xin Liao, in the southern part of Yilan county near Plum Blossom lake.

Same waterfall, shot from inside the river. It’s not far from where I work, so I often ride my bicycle there and enjoy a fresh hike.[/quote]

did you use a ND filter for this shot?

No, I kept the camera against a rock and tried to keep it as steady as possible (I didn’t carry the tripod that day), 0.3" was enough to blur the fast flowing water, had to take a few shots to get a usable one. I took that shot at f11 to keep a slow(ish) shutter speed.

This one is in Wu Fen Qi (I think that’s the name, the famous waterfalls near Jiao Xi).

don’t have stable enough hands for that shot, even leaning against something :stuck_out_tongue:

great photos

For the last one I was using a bridge xD

For the one in the middle of the river against a rock I think I had 3 good shots out of 15+ (good = not blurry), and I decided to process that one because I liked the bouncing water at the front. So it was really just a matter of keep trying and hoping that my wife would not get bored! When we went to Taiping mountain and I was doing 20 or 30 seconds exposures at 3am with 0’C she got bored PRETTY quickly.

Took this one while trecking in Taichung county:

Xinliao is a really nice waterfall but the rebuilt trail is too much like a road. I really like that silhouetted tree. Good balance of dark and [strike]light[/strike] and not dark.

Kawa - is that the Dakeng Trails or up towards Guguan? I have been here for 6 years and I have never been hiking in Taichung. I have been almost everywhere but Taichung (except to the city).

Here are a few photos of my sister posing in front of waterfalls during her Christmas trip here.

Guifu Canyon, Duona, Taiwan by Kirk Beiser, on Flickr

Guifu Gorge is a really cool and unusual place. It is also a near impossible place to take photos with the range of really dark black rocks in the shadows and the exposed waterfall.

taiwanswaterfalls.com/waterfall- … waterfall/

Meiya Waterfall, Taiwan by Kirk Beiser, on Flickr

I don’t have very many waterfall photos that have the correct exposure for the waterfall, the rocks, the sky and the clouds all in one photo. Sometimes the photography gods smile on us.

taiwanswaterfalls.com/waterfall- … waterfall/

I often have the exposure problems with waterfalls, especially when I don’t bring all the gear with me. WHat I usually do is:

a) Setup the camera in a stable position using rocks/shoes/whatever and in manual mode underexpose by 1 or 2 stops
b) Shot in 5 brackets
c) The “middle” exposition should have very beautiful silky water, and I process it only for the water
d) I merge the 5 images in a single HDR and process it in order to get good looking surroundings with proper exposure
e) I merge the HDR with the “middle” exposition

Luckily it’s not something that I have to do often because when I know that I’m going in an area with waterfalls I always carry filters, tripod etc, but sometimes it’s the only solution.

Meiya waterfall looks really pretty! Too bad it’s on the opposite side of the island for me.

Yes, the Yilan/Hualien area is damn near impossible for me to get to on a 2 day weekend. I finally made my first trip to Yilan last November (4 day weekend) and I have no idea when I will go back. Beautiful place though.

I am not a fan of HDR but I only use the in camera options which give a fake look to everything. Almost all of my photos are the basic JPEG from the camera with minimal adjustments. Perhaps someday I will do more processing but it is damn near impossible for me to simply select the photos and write the blog/guide about them. If I spent more time processing then I would have to take fewer photos and travel less.

Yep exactly, the one starting just before the dam down Guguan.