Duck on Ambulance What is It???

What is this on the door of the ambulances at the fire station? It looks like a duck but I’m not sure and I don’t know what it has in its hands, what it is carrying, or what it is doing. What’s the red stuff??? It’s on all the official ambulances at the fire station corner of Xinyi and Anhe.


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Wow … that’s some Taiwan UP!-level design there.

My current guess is that the red things are tail feathers. It’s running in the direction of the first aid bag, head … coyly?! … pointing backwards as it dashes forward to offer aid.

But if you hadn’t initially planted the idea that it was a duck, who knows what I’d be seeing.

Or, it’s writhing on the ground in pain, and the red are geysers of blood and/or intestines spooling out the side of the body.

So what have I just revealed about myself in your cunning Rorsharch test?

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It looks like the bastard gay love-child of Donald Duck and Howard the Duck…in a good way! I love the “tail feathers.”

Some ambulances are donated by temple or farnmer associations. That would be my best guess.

More often than not, it is kawaii stuff. On a private ambulance.

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Maybe it’s a chicken? With black hair and red feathers?

That duck looks a little… suggestive.

If it walks like a duck, administers first aid like a duck…


I was going to say the same. In a different way, but the same.

It’s probably a play on words. Whatever the animal is probably sounds like whatever the ambulance is doing.

Ambulance = 救護車 (Jiùhù chē)???

Thats what I love about Taiwan, its its own reality. NOrth Korea threatens to nuke Japan and the USA?

We worry about duck figures on ambulances :slight_smile:

(i use “we” loosely because I am half taiwanese and grew up on the rock)

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Someone on the Internet seems to be saying that it’s a cartoon version of the National Fire Agency’s phoenix symbol.

I found the image using Google’s image search.

Here’s the actual National Fire Agency seal, with a stylized phoenix:




From the designers of Fukuppy, the Fukushima cartoon mascot!

Wow, I thought that was a joke. Well, I guess it is…on the company that commissioned it.


Didn’t think those tail feathers looked too ducky.

Well, learned something new today. @Charlie_Jack Thanks.

It’s what you look like if you’ve been hit by a car - only cute!

You’re welcome, @Icon.

Remind me never to let you near my ducks.

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Hey I’m not that fowl.