Know any foreigners who lived here in the 70s or earlier?

This web site is a tad eye-watering, but has a lot of interesting pictures of Taipei in the 70s while the Americans still had a spy base here. The town sure did look gritty back then. Anybody here live it, or encounter anyone who did?

Dunno anyone except some Belgian priests whom are here for 100 years.

But hey - thanks for the site. Never knew I lived near or on an old base.

My coworker has pics of him when he arrived in Kaohsiung more than 30 years ago. Oh boy.

Those in the website are nicer, they are in color. :laughing:

Make sure you turn your volume down first too. Had the music up loud, me and my speakers got a bit of a shock :astonished: Loud burst of static before the Stones 8-bit version

Nice find Slugger!

Cool site. Thanks. I’ve met several people who were in Taiwan around that time either for military service or as missionaries.

My mom is going to love this, thanks.

My grandfather was here doing military stuff; don’t know any details.

Make sure you turn your volume down first too. Had the music up loud, me and my speakers got a bit of a shock :astonished: Loud burst of static before the Stones 8-bit version

Sorry 'bout that, I had no idea. One of the reasons my “NoScript” Firefox plugin is so handy.

Cool stuff. I didn’t get to Taiwan until the mid-80s but I have an American friend who grew up in Taiwan in the 50s/60s who will enjoy seeing this.

Fascinating website - it’s interesting to observe what’s changed and what hasn’t. I was struck by the empty streets of Taipei. Bet those guys wish they’d invested in a little real estate.

I know a few foreigners who grew up here in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, and have since returned to Taiwan as adults to work. I am sure they would find this site fascinating. I had seen it before but had forgotten about it. Thanks for posting.

Wow, am I the only one that thinks it looks very similar to modern times except the lack of people?

Compared with this - yes

Compared with those - no. Foreigners behave much better nowadays here.

Or do you have other pictures in which 50 years of development looks the same way back ?

Who ARE these fellows? The nerd brigade? They kind of look like skinny runts, don’t they? Not like soldiers at all.

Good lord - was a random set of five people really that skinny back then? Are we that much fatter now?!

Still. They were here for the greater good of their (and this?) nation. Encryptors did awesome work spying on the Commie’s - thus you needed brains and not muscles

I have spent some time on that awesome website.
For example : back in those days , the same remarks were posted as some do here - 50 years later like “WTF am I doing here”
Most of the guys were posted from Clark’s AFB back in the Fillies which can explain a lot.
You find yourself among 1500 man, on a deserted plateau and your Rest and Relaxation is down the hill, somewhere in Taipei.
Their frustration might sometimes have leaked.

I was researching the area around LinKou last year for personal interest. Not much of the base remains - the area where it was is partly built on and it looks totally different now.
It’s a nice site - Taipei looked special in those days.

Great site, Taipei looked a lot more Vietnamish back then.

Yes people were skinnier back then as well, now there are so many fat f*cks we just take it for normal.

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From there I stumbled upon some Steve McQueen info I and I guess most of you reading didn’t know about:

When the filming was finally finished in Taiwan, the government of the Republic of China held several members of the crew, including McQueen and his family, supposedly “hostage” by keeping their passports because of unpaid additional taxes. … %28film%29

[quote=“cake”]From there I stumbled upon some Steve McQueen info I and I guess most of you reading didn’t know about:

When the filming was finally finished in Taiwan, the government of the Republic of China held several members of the crew, including McQueen and his family, supposedly “hostage” by keeping their passports because of unpaid additional taxes. … %28film%29[/quote]

Yip. I love his saying about Taiwan:

“Everything I ever did wrong, I paid for in Taiwan.” … n#p1379465