Meanwhile in Catalonia...

What entertains me is the EU’s silence. Apart from Belgium and Slovenia, the technocrats are quiet about massive civil rights violations. My belief is similar to the PP Mayor or Barcelona. Don`t agree with Catalonia going its own way, but think that a referendum should be allowed to proceed. If Madrid had not interfered and a full one was sanctioned, it likely would have been 60-40 to remain. While I agree that it was not done legally this time (and therefore the Catalans are being troublemakers), it could easily be done legally.

If I weren’t so mannerly, I would accuse you of obtusitas deliberata. Lucky for you I’m above that. :smirk:

I agree. Canada is a better country to migrate to. :grin: Everyone should go there.

And when people resort to Latin, it’s usually a case of obsfucatus deliberatus. Sorry, I’ll stop…

Being a Trekkie, there is an old Vulcan saying I move: infinite diversity in infinite combinations. Something like that least.

Canada loves to talk about diversity but the job market for immigrants? Unless they were wealthy/investor class type immigrants, there are lots of doctors from South Asia driving taxis. The reality is a lot more insular.

Which ones? may be you can enlighten us, because so far no judge was said that civil rights were violated, although judges already told the Catalan politicians to desist on their illegal seditious activities.

I’m pro-Franco/old system/Manuel Fraga type of PP. Don’t get too emotional here. :smirk::smirk:

But I do think police using force with hundreds injured at the voting centres looked bad optically even if they were provoked by the rabble. If I had been advising Rajoy, I would have said “Let them have their illegal vote – we will joust in the courts.” :laughing: That being said, I think had the vote been sanctioned as legal by the central government, the yes side would have lost overwhelmingly. This has only served to inflame the situation.

Some numbers:

1O poll (“referendum”)

2.020.144 “YES” (90%)
176.566 “NO” (7,87%)
45.586 “blank vote” (2,03%)
20.129 “Not valid” (0,89%)

2.262.424 votes out of 5.343.358 electors. 37% pro leaving Spain

Previous poll - 9N:

1.861.753 “Yes-Yes” (80,76%)
232.182 “Yes-No” (10,07%)
22.466 “Yes-blank” (0,97%)
104.772 “No” (4,54%)
12.986 “blank” (0,56%)
71.131 “Others” 3,09%

As it’s been documented, people could vote anywhere as many times as they wanted (some people recorded a video voting in 4 different places, the poll was a total joke with no guarantees, although some people insist on this process following the highest standards of democracy… even though the organizers didn’t even follow their own custom made laws…).

Well, here’s another silly flamewar.

All revolutions are technically illegal. Legalism is how tyranny covers its ass.

And nowhere is part of anywhere unless the ones with the guns say so.

Those who forcibly opposed the very idea of a vote have no standing to criticize the voting process. They are blatantly biased and are shedding crocodile tears.

I recognize only one test for legitimacy: is the government doing a good job at the things government is supposed to be doing for society? If not, then it can go to hell. Revolution, baby.

Let Catalan have its independence. If they can’t govern themselves, they’ll have only themselves to blame. Right now, they’ve got Madrid to blame.

The constitutions provides the means to call for this voting… but they decided to do in illegally. Of course we can criticize to call this poll and the way it’s done.

I can’t find any references to constitutional means. Could you provide a link?

All I can find is people saying the call for independence is itself unconstitutional - without elaboration.

No, I’m not going to provide a link. But among other things, the Constitution itself can be changed with enough votes in the parliament. Surprise!

Uh… which Parliament?

I call bullshit.

You call bullshit this, which obviously you don’t understand nor have any real interest in (just trolling with your liberal bullshit as usual), and you call on bullshit on other things like global warming. My level of concern about your opinion is not much worrying than when I feel itchy and have to scratch my ass.

I don’t think liberal means what you think it means. :sunglasses:

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May be not, but let me disagree. Why do you think so?

Roland is usually more on the conservative side of things.

No one is trying to get rid of it. Its a tax haven, of sorts. 45 tried to let nature take care of it, and almost got away with it, if it wasn’t for that damned liberal media.

The way I see it he’s liberal in the USA way. When I say “liberal” I don’t mean a granola or a hippy that goes with his wife to swingers clubs, but something closer to an anarcho capitalist.

I would really support a Texan referendum. Hell, the entire southern US.

Make them a deal, they take all the 45 supporters and anti-societists, and white nationalists and supremecists. The rest takes all the good people from the south. The normal folk who do not worship the stars and bars. Anyway, let the (45 et al) folk have their shangri la.

Then build a wall. No one comes out. Since they are the type who believe in self-sufficiency, let them become, economically, NK. Isolate them politically and economically. After a few hurricanes and droughts…finish what Sherman started.