Republicans vote kill worker safety rules

I think it’s a fair question. The short answer is, for me, it’s a negative for Trump. Some like Dr_Milker allude to may have been election theatrics, but I heard enough to suspect Trump in the past has behaved like a sleaze from time to time.

The worst of those (that I heard of, or gave credibility to) was his ex-wives claim of spousal rape, she later recanted, but that was a pretty detailed description of events. Some have tried to downplay this as this came up during divorce proceedings,

I am aware of other such claims too, some played up by the media, some misrepresented by the media, The thing about such a line of attack, is that is does work, it’s hard for me to know how much is true but overall, combined with his comments on women, combined with his pussy grabbing boast, it casts a very negative light on Trump.