The Mormon invasion of Taiwan - thoughts?

They drive me crazy…

They are probably the most cordial version of the virus.

Mormons have been discussed at length already.

[ … ht=mormons](Mormon missionary experience
[ … ht=mormons](Triple Standards: Mormons v. Mongols v. Mongrels of the World
[ … ht=mormons](Mormons in Taiwan
[ … ht=mormons](Gay Mormons in love

…and some of the early discussions were pulled as religion-bashing.

Leave them alone. I used to be one of the biggest mormon bashers here, but now, not a chance.

To be clear, they have a right to be here and say what they want (within the limits of Taiwanese law). Just like the rest of us.

[quote=“juvenilemania”]They drive me crazy…[/quote]Yes, I know. One of them smiled and waved at me once. The horror… :help: :loco:

That bastard! One asked me how I was doing just the other day! I couldn’t believe it! What a nerve!

Interesting bassman - what brought about the change of thinking??

If you can’t beat them, join them!

just gimme the underwear and show me where to sign…

Mormon bashing is a favorite past time of other…more authentic (wink) Christians who have it out for others who don’t see the facts (wink) the same way.

I have not read the other threads on Mormons but the topic is interesting to me as I minored in religious studies in university. The Mormon religion is a very good “fit” for traditional chinese culture. Both place an emphasis on family, self sufficiency, they are both “clannish” and both engage in what amounts to “ancestor worship” (although Mormons would gag and have fits if they heard me say that, be that as it may, the Mormon “retro-baptism” and focus on tracing family roots amounts to ancestor worship).

I suspect the Mormons, in the long run, will do well here. Plus remember everytime you order Domino’s Pizza you are tithing to the Mormon church.

Praise the Lord and pass the anchovies.
Rev. Brian
Universal Life Church
Headquarters, Modesto California (Future Home of the New Jerusalem)

Believe me I’m not a Christian - I just question the value of Missionary work in this day and age. I realize that a lot of missionaries do a lot of good work. To me missionary work carries with it a sense of “taming and converting the ingnorant heathens”. I’m all for helping other people - but why attach religion to it.

[quote=“brianlkennedy”]I have not read the other threads on Mormons but the topic is interesting to me as I minored in religious studies in university. The Mormon religion is a very good “fit” for traditional Chinese culture. Both place an emphasis on family, self sufficiency, they are both “clannish” and both engage in what amounts to “ancestor worship” (although Mormons would gag and have fits if they heard me say that, be that as it may, the Mormon “retro-baptism” and focus on tracing family roots amounts to ancestor worship).

It’s a fit up until the booze restrictions and anti-promiscuity guidelines, then it probably loses its luster here.

Well let’s see…because they are trying to instill a Christian moral code and it doesn’t work without religion. :wink:
I just find it humorous that most of the missionaries in the world are working to convert people to their particular brand of Christ yet wouldn’t sit next to them in a church back in their home countries. :laughing:
BTW, one of the Mormon missionaries stopped me the other day and said he wanted to tell me about Christ…that was rich. :smiley:
On a more serious note, I fully support the missionary work in Taiwan. Once the island has been eradicated of it’s heathen roots then perhaps we can see some real advances in human rights, no more discrimination in hiring practices, wife beating and pedophilia will cease, the economy will skyrocket, English newspapers will have real news in them, motor scooters will no longer pollute, laws will be enforced, foreigners will be able to become citizens without surrendering their old passports, etc…the changes go on forever…bring on the Lord, our saviour…Amen

It is not wise to pick on someone, or dislike someone just for what they believe. It’s not the Mormon’s that I don’t like, I just don’t agree with what they believe, and that is no reason to slam them all.

There are some posters that have been very good to me on forumosa that are mormon’s and they have been more helpful than most of the others here, not to say that others are not helpful, it’s just that the mormon’s and ex-mormon’s have been more helpful.

Why should I be threatened by them? It won’t change what I believe and if my beliefs are so weak that they’d change by just being friendly to one, well, that makes my belief useless.

We can all be friends.

Recently I was solicited by a local (i.e. Taiwanese) Mormon in English at the local night market. It took me fifteen minutes to extricate myself out of that situation, even though I told the guy repeatedly that I was a devout Catholic (I’m not.) How frickin’ annoying.

I don’t mind at all what particular interpretation you take of whatever religion. Nor do I care all that much if you refrain from certain sexual or narcotic activities and like to be uppity about it. Nor do I mind people trying to promote the benefits of their particular sect if it’s done in a respectful manner. But if you needily cling to me for fifteen minutes like a mutant telemarketer, well, screw you. :raspberry:

Are the Americans that bad with the locals? Do most of them think, “Oh shit. Not the Mormons again. Hurry up and close the door.”?


You mean in a different sense that the Mormons pick on other people who do not believe in their faith? Cajoling them? Confronting them at their door (oh, look, they are smiling…)?
Mormons are pushers of cult quackery on a people here that are far better adjusted than just about anywhere you can name in the US (partucularly Salt Lake City).
It isn’t enough that their cult has to have it own special weirdness, they also have to try and shove it down the throats of every other human on earth (and the dead, too).
A plague be cast upon them!

It took all of 2 days into my Taiwan experience for a couple of Mormons to try and recruit me to the next Mormon gathering in Taoyuan. Hahaha. I was polite and humored them, but sorry I have no plans to convert. :laughing:

Oh and there is the local hottie at my school who is also Mormon. :smiley: