USA and gun control

Lack of moral values. Mental health issues. Lack of discipline. Horrendous lack of parental support. Horrible behaviour at school.

Doesn’t sound like a good vacation destination. Especially if people like this are armed.

There’s no denying that the U.S. has seen a drop in morals over the last few decades. I’m not gonna search for data to prove that.
Mental issues: I’ve mentioned this previously with links/data about how schools have pushed the label ADHD on kids so that they (schools) can still get federal gov’t money (and the kids get hooked on big pharma drugs). Seen plenty of reports saying anywhere from 1/10 to 1/5 of kids on prescription drugs (and not the kind that kills the common winter cold). Lack of discipline: hard to say under what manner, but the “App” generation shows that kids just want something to appease them “at the moment”. I took 2 musical instruments as lessons after-school when I was a kid in the 1970s. Don’t see that happening as much nowadays, because learning an instrument “takes a long time” and this generation certainly has a lower attention level than previous ones (right or wrong).
Lack of parental support: Do we need to go into the data of single parents in the U.S.? I’m not saying people cannot get divorced (that’s not my choice), but the things that happen to kids after the divorce can sometimes impact them (and certainly the single-parent homes in the poor neighbourhoods of the U.S.).
Behavior: The author is a teacher. So, she’s seeing that “horrible behavior” at school first-hand. Do you think she would risk her career just to state a lie about what she is seeing at her school? I don’t have FB, but if you or others do, perhaps someone can have a more in-depth discussion with her or other teachers about the facts she sees every day.
My good friend used to be a teacher in a public school on the east coast. These stories pretty much ring true.

I don’t really care to be honest. 7.4 billion people. One can go to bed and not wake up again. It makes little odds on a geological timescale. You boys and girls have fun and shoot each other up.

Still blaming video games for violence?

If correlation equals causation, why not blame video games for pot smoking and embittered misogyny? And besides, the alleged correlation between video games and violence doesn’t even seem to exist in the first place.

(The reason I prefer sarcastic remarks, and only occasionally rub peoples’ faces in documented facts is because they don’t respond to facts, so sarcasm is what they have coming.)

Blaming video games for violence is as stupid as blaming guns for violence.

That said, video games are a waste of time for adults. Playing them, I mean. They just don’t do much of anything, either way.

If guns are bad, then don’t let the government have them. After all, we want the best for our public servants, right?

But if you argue that the police can be trusted with guns and ordinary citizens can’t, then you’ve forfeited the privilege of complaining about excessive police force. Until you can figure out a way to make guns cease to exist entirely, any gun control argument raises suspicions regarding its motive.

I should also mention that the most peaceful and prosperous parts of Mexico are where the armed militias prevail.

I think it’s a bit more complicated than that.

Everything’s complicated until you figure out how it works. Then it’s all just details.

Shurrup Rowland

Wait a minute now…“everything’s complicated until you figure out how it works. Then it’s all just details.”…this could be genius. I’m still undecided.

Not complicated, just details like “Lock and fucking load it’s double maths” ?

Now, imagine if he had access to a firearm.

No risk, He is only a British…

He could have a crack with the woodwork tools. Might give someone a headache.

Is it genius? @discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Reply hazy try again

Is today’s Daily Rowlandism™ genius? @discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Reply hazy try again

It looks like Mexico also has a smog problem. :mask:

Very powerful image.

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Once again, American legislators agree that sex is more dangerous than violence.

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Why USA gives guns just for a few selected teachers. Government can give guns and mandatory training how to shoot to all kids at school. If sicko shooters know everyone around them has a gun and ability to shoot them, they would never attack.