USA and gun control

Calling you on boarder line trolling, you know full well the military aligns itself with the POTUS, it’s why Trump has so many military in his immediate circle and why Mike Rogers went to Trump tower a week after Trump was elected.

One good guy with a gun in that school, and all this wouldn’t have mattered…

But there wasn’t, so it does. Government does not have our childrens’ backs.

They had an armed security guard on campus. There were also two police officers on campus quickly. All 3 failed to do anything.

The armed security guard sat outside the building that the shooter was in murdering kids. He refused to go in.

That last guy dissed the military pretty hard. I think he might have pushed his left wing agenda further if he hadn’t feared a military coup.

The Donald, on the other hand, seems to know what his power rests on.

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Yeah. Sheriff’s deputies. Worthless government enforcers. Fuck them and their corrupt boss.

You can give a kleptocrat a gun and a badge but that doesn’t make him a good guy. But if you let a good guy have a gun, what have you got?

Chris Cillizza of CNN was confused over this. That’s too be expected of CNN. Another bunch of morons who are too full of themselves. And here’s another moron:

One problem with your theory.
A good guy is only a good guy until he isn’t a good guy anymore. Anyone can snap.

Having weapons easilly accesible to kids at home who have mental issues is a high risk.

Having guns AT SCHOOL is even a greater risk! It opens the door to so many more problems.

In that case, when we figure out how to keep guns out the government’s hands, and also the criminals’ hands, then we can talk gun control. But not until then.

In the US, aren’t the people also the government? Isnt that the whole idea of American Democracy? A government by the people?

If things have progressed this badly to the point that the government is no longer by the people and the people have lost control of it, then is it not time to pack up and leave for greener hills somewhere else?

In the old country, we have heavily armed guards in every restaurant, bank, department store and mall that can afford it. That has not helped the crime rate, nor has the widespread ownership of guns by citizens. That last item has only led to lethal confrontations at fender benders or traffic jams. Let’s call this a cultural quirk, as I compare say to Nicaragua. After the war, there was a big gathering of AK 47a, which were turned into a nice park sculpture, and to this day still have one of the lowest rates of homicides in the region - which I know is bad for comparison sake but it is all we have.

I saw a news report with the safety measures in white US schools. we do not have those here in Taiwan at government offices. This is a civil government, so we have cops for security. And the cops give bientangs to protesters and let them use the bathroom. In the old country we pay armed guards in every neighborhood. And we still get stray bullets in the backyard.

You either feel safe, are safe or not. It is the environment and the society, guns are just a very prominent symptom. If you have a country divided by color and income, where anger runs like lava underneath the surface at inequalities and injustice and lack of social covenant protections, and lots of fear well, it is not unexpected when things come to a bloody end in a rain of bullets. Just like a fever, the guns signal something is wrong with the body, and just like a fever, they can kill you if they run rampant.


Well said @Icon

In that case, deputize everybody, and stop this gun grabbing nonsense. No having it both ways.

For most of the world, America has traditionally been the greener hills. At some point, you’ll run out of somewhere elses, and you need to make a stand wherever you happen to be.

Some people I’d rather see guarding the schools than the worthless turds the government’s been serving up. Some are better than others, but none would be worse than Broward County or the FBI…

The only gun grabbers I like are the ones that grab their own guns.

The armed guard on campus did nothing. Armed teachers might do the same thing. Give guns to all students to protect themselves.

I’d rather have a responsible adult. Let parents volunteer for this duty.

Or, failing that, let the parents choose which teachers are armed.

Perhaps make it an elected office. That would help close the gap between government and democracy.

But leave the feds out of it…

But hey, an excuse to agitate for gun grabbing!

Kids should be given the right to protect themselves from potential evil adults and their peers. I think at least teenagers are able to have the right. Guards and polices don’t protect them. Why they can trust other adults. Schools can give them shooting training, and they can organize Vigilante by voluntary or selected kids and teachers.

If I were a student, I don’t think teachers are more trustable than guards or polices. I would think give us guns, we protect us by ourselves.

By Langston Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?

  Does it dry up
  like a raisin in the sun?
  Or fester like a sore—
  And then run?
  Does it stink like rotten meat?
  Or crust and sugar over—
  like a syrupy sweet?

  Maybe it just sags
  like a heavy load.

  Or does it explode?

Edit: Not saying I agree with your assessment (or even disagree- really confused about the causes and remedy for this). Just thought of this poem when I read your post.

Yes, teenagers should have a choice of weapons training on AR15s or AK47. Locked and loaded in each classroom.
Teachers can upgrade to stun grenades and SWAT training.

Hell, while we are at it, why not just do it Battle Royale style?
Put an exploding collar on each student and staff member (to be fair). Anyone dares try to harm anyone, kablam! Neck explodes.

In all seriousness, keep the guns, weapons and explosive collars out of schools!

In all seriousness, admit that no one has the foggiest notion how to do that. But this problem didn’t always exist. Bring back the laws we used to have back in the days when the problem didn’t exist.

Guns don’t kill people. Crazy people kill people. And gun free zones make it easier for them. What we need is not gun control, but crazy control.
Start by locking up the politicians who think it’s a good idea to let the dangerous kids wander about. Then expel the dangerous kids. Also, put the ranting, poo-flinging street people in loony bins. Nancy Pelosi, too.

You know, like it used to be, back when we didn’t have school shootings.

It’s called addressing the real problem.

I see emotionalism and the fallacy of false causes running through this thread.

It’s increasingly becoming apparent that the shooting under discussion was the result of failures in bureaucracy and law enforcement. But OBVIOUSLY the answer to it has to be MORE of bureaucracy and governmental control. If something fails, surely more of the same will solve it, right?

Inanimate objects are not the root causes of these events. People from ‘across the pond’ should know that a backpack full of explosives and shrapnel is all that is required for a madman to kill and maim girls at a concert if firearms aren’t available.

Deal with things practically and realistically. The US Second Amendment isn’t going away. Changing it would require consent of 3/4 of the States. Getting even half to agree would be mission impossible. Other laws or regulations that would limit 2A while it is in existence would just get struck down by the Supreme Court.

Target what went wrong in this event. Fire the Sheriff, hold the FBI to account for its failures, consider changing policies for disturbed students who make threats and consider drills, armed staff and other measures to deal with possible future incidents.

Politicizing events like these is a movie that got old long ago. 8 years of a DEM president failed to get any gun measures passed. It’s hypocrisy for the same party to go after the Republicans as if it’s all their fault.