100,000 Child Slave Prostitutes in Taiwan

Those gals are keeping a very low profile.

In case you have any brothels staffed with teenage girls, you need to get investigated, feel free to post the details here - those old vixens usually manning the beds are driving me crazy :wink:

I grew up in Shi men ding. One of my first memories of brothels was almost being dragged into one when I was only 12… 12!! Were they trying to condition me from a young age so that I could become a regular when my pubic hair was fully grown? What the…

Also walking down the movie street (forget what it’s called, but also in shi men ding), I could see lots of “hot” chicks with little clothes on them, sitting outside of seemingly “barber shops”, eyeing Asian and Western men alike. They weren’t as aggressive though. But that was back in 1980s. I went back again in 1992 and it was all changed. Come to think of it, I “kind of” miss the old shi men ding :wink: … It was a different crowd back then (comparable to today’s Dongchu).


When I lived in the Ming Chuan E. Road area , I would have to say 20 or more. And on Mingshen E. Road, Chang’an East Road, as well as some of the crossroads in that area, there are a lot.

Right. So you believe that all aborigine girls are prostitutes. That’s what the figures say. Fair enough. As you say, you can believe what you want.


I wonder if most foreigners in Taiwan would even realise where about 90% of the brothels are. For example, there is a brothel in the basement of the apartment building of one of my friends. There is no sign, red light, barber’s pole or anything else indicating that it is a brothel. If you just walked past you would never know it’s there.

Still I think the statistics EOD is quoting are incorrect. There is a large sex industry in Taiwan and I am sure there is child prostitution associated with it, but as for the exact numbers I don’t know.

Did you read anything I wrote in the previous post?

Was that addressed to me? You said in the previous post that you stand by the figures. the figures say that there are 100 000 child prostitutes in Taiwan, 20% of whom are aborigines. So logically, either all aborigine girls are prostitutes, or the aborigine population is many many times higher than the Government says. So, seeing as you stand by the figures, I want to know which one you believe. That’s pretty simple.


I believe there are at least 100,000 children being forced into prostitution in Taiwan and at least 20% of these children are of aboriginal decent.
I also beleive that the Chinese goverment on Taiwan is fully aware of this and condones it.

So which is it:

  1. All Aborigine girls are prostitutes?


  1. The Aborigine population of Taiwan is many times what the government tells us it is?


Well, Taiwan has changed a lot since then. Huaxi Jie is a regular tourist trap now. Apart from the odd very low-profile KTC joint, the sex industry seems to have dissapeared from the area. (You can still get porn VCDs :smiling_imp: )[/quote]
A few years back, there was a big hoopla because then-Taipei Major Chen decided to get rid of legalized prostitution which was only legal in the alleys around Hua Xi Jie. A large part of Chen’s political base is women so this was a popular move for him, though largely symbolic.

I have a hard time believing there were child prostitutes at Hua Xi Jie, because in all the news coverage at the time, they talked about how those legalized brothels were primarily frequented by older, blue collar men. While the women protesting Chen’s move wore masks, it was obvious they were 40-60 year old prostitutes. I think child prostitutes would probably be elsewhere.

Interesting point is that a number of the women’s organizations included in EOD’s links support legalization or decriminalization of prostitution. Adult prostitution, not child prostitution. Of course they are against child prostitution. Whatever the right number is, 100,000 or only 100, it’s still totally morally bankrupt to involve kids in this industry. The police should put out the word that they will prosecute child prostitution, even if they are willing to turn the other eye on adult prostitution.

If you had lived in Taiwan and actually gone there you’d be singing a different tune. We’re talking about 2 different times, the 1980’s and the mid-1990’s. After Lee Deng-hwei became President and they turned the night market into a tourist attraction things changed.
In the 1980’s the local papers had plenty of stories of young aborigine girls being held for weeks in brothels while they were pumped full of hormones in order to develop their breasts. Afterwards they were offered at extremely high prices as virgins. Having been used, the price dropped to about $300NT for 15 minutes (for Chinese customers). Japanese and Western customers paid about $1,000NT. I went threough there many times and saw lots of girls who couldn’t have been older than 13 or 14 years old. The average age seemed to be 16 to 17.

For all of Taiwan’s progress, they have only managed to force child prostitution underground in most of Taipei. The sort of thing seen in Huaxi Jie back in the 80’s is still wide spread in every major city in Taiwan. Too much pressure in one area they just move to another. The local governments and law enforcement agencies roll out the welcome wagon because of all the graft and payoffs associated with it.

I missed this one. This is great. You can make up any number you want, and as long as it says something bad about Taiwan EOD says it’s true. EOD, I think 100,000 is too low. In fact, it’s way too low. I think the real number must be something like a quarter million. Let’s use that number from now on, and you can quote me on that. hahahahahahah…

Wrong. EOD is guilty of understating th true extent of the problem.

There is at least 2,000,000 child prostitutes on this island, all of aboriginal descent.

The great thing about all this is that the veil is removed. The real message here is that ‘E’ and his buddies; they all know what Taiwan is ‘really’ like. You and I are just pretenders (small “p”, so we don’t get confused with the pop band). The fact that their numbers don’t make any sense, that lots of us speak perfectly adequate Chinese, that lots of us don’t live in Taipei, and so on and so on and so on, doesn’t make any difference to them. They know. This is Vintage Taiwan at its best; make the place into some sort of demonic preserve of pagan, child molesting, primitives. I’m glad to see that at least some people have enough brains to make it through their nonsense.

Well, there is prostitution here, but no, if there were a substantial number of child prostitutes, people in general would know about it.

That said, I will claim that there are not 2,000,000 child prostitutes, there are at least 20,000,000 and they are all of the bunun tribe.

Now we’re getting somehwhere; every woman in Taiwan is a prostitute and most of the men!

Mine was a conservative estimate.

Let the crazy guys have fun at tealit, where they will find lots of company.

Is Aristotle EOD?

cwa.tnet.co.th/Magazine%20th … sector.htm
etaiwannews.com/Taiwan/2003/ … 009377.htm
taipeitimes.com/News/edit/ar … /30/166144

Hay, ‘E’ you don’t seem to be getting the point. There’s all kinds of prostitution in Taiwan, just like all those other places where premarital s** isn’t accepted. Got it? There’s no doubting that there’s prostitution here, and that there’s lots of it, and that some of it’s underage girls, and that loads of them are aboriginal girls. No doubt about any of this. Got it? What we’re saying is that you’re making up the numbers. That the numbers can’t be real, and I don’t care who you got them from.

What we’re saying is this number, 100,000, has some problems. You’re telling us that all aboriginal women are prosititutes? I used to hear that about Thai women too, so it makes me wonder what it is about those brown-skinned girls that everyone says they’re all prostitutes. Or is it that the ROC government is wrong and that they are loads more aborignals hiding up in the hills than they know? What is it? It’s one of the two. Which one do you think it is?

Or is it just a made up number? Come on. You can let us know. We’re you’re friends.

Fourth option; maybe the math is too hard for you to do. It’s not rocket science, but I read that these days, American schools are weak in math.

Oh, one more thing; you might not have noticed, but even your number of 100,000 is 15 years out of date.