2020 : My journey towards getting Taiwanese Citizenship for myself and my infant daughter

For some reason I didn’t run into this problem :frowning:

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Is your spouse Taiwanese?

I feel like this is only an issue when the spouse of the naturalized citizen is a foreigner.

Also, curious what they would say if the foreign spouse is from a country like the UK, where foreign marriage registrations aren’t a thing.


Probably 「沒辦法。」Or they’d think you’re lying to them, because the US has something like that and therefore all western countries must have something like that.

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Taiwan government knows some countries, like the UK don’t have marriage registration for foreign marriages. When we apply for spouse dependent visa, we don’t need to show UK marriage registration of our Taiwan marriage.

So hopefully, if it was a British person they’d know not to ask for a document that is impossible to get.


I plan to visit NIA to apply for the stamp. I’ve got my ID, passport and ticket on hand. Anything else I need to show them? Thanks

// Update //

I was able to get the stamp. Just needed to show my ID and passport and fill in a form. Here’s a picture of the stamp for reference.


Sorry, I was halfway across the pacific when you sent this. Glad you got it sorted out, I was able to use the Egate without any problems btw.


I have a question for anyone who has gone through the process.

This step in the naturalization (step before applying for HHR):

What is this “Perminent Resident Certificate of ROC”? Is it like the NWHOR version of the APRC? Is it a card? A certificate? In Chinese they refer to it as 臺灣地區定居證 (Taiwan Area Settlement Certificate), as opposed to to 臺灣地區居留證 for TARC.

I am guessing @fifieldt, @frank_hnd, @Fuzzy_Barbecue or @yyy will know the answer to this one!

If this the last step before the ID then it is a certificate that you need to apply at NIA the day of your 365th day of residence. They will take about a week and with that paper you go back to HHR office and apply for your ID :slight_smile:

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Interesting. Just a paper certificate? I plan to stay at this stage for like 10 or so years until I’m 36, in order to stay away from being drafted for a year, do you happen to know if it has an expiry date? I’m guessing you probably don’t have it anymore though right?

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Or you could just serve and write the next Barbarian at the Gate.

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I’d do it if the salary wasn’t like 15k a month. Would wipe out a like a years worth of effort saving money


You don’t need to apply for it until you are ready to become a citizen, the TARC does expire in 3 years but is renewable. Any particular reason you would like to be on TARC for 10 years? just do the process when you are 35, it takes 1.5 years between paperwork processing and the year you have to be in the country without leaving.

No, they take it away together with your TARC to get your ID.

My salary won’t be withheld 18% once I’m on a TARC, plus even though I won’t have HHR, and will only have a NWHOR passport, I should still be able to get the 中华人民共和国旅行证 for virtually hassle free travel to mainland China, as with my British passport there is no way to get a tourist visa for China in Taiwan (even before Covid). I can easily regain my British citizenship once I become a NWHOR anyway, so it’s no trouble really even if the two previous benefits don’t end up working out. Another plus will be that, even though I plan to stay on NWHOR/TARC until I’m 36 to avoid conscription, if anything came up where I needed to register HHR straight away, I could do so without wait. My plan is to go through the process all the way up to obtaining the 臺灣地區定居證 Permanent Resident Certificate of ROC aka the “Taiwan Area Settlement Certificate” and then just keep that status until I’m ready to get HHR. There are plenty of other ways that would make me not required to do military service, so if one of those comes to fruition before I’m 36 then I could just complete HHR early too.


Can you share your experience of getting 中华人民共和国旅行证 after you apply? In similar boat and if we can get 旅行证 after naturalization, but before getting full citizenship, still a big incentive for me!

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According to the requirements for the 中华人民共和国旅行证, NWHOR’s should have no problem applying. In fact, one of the reasons for applying is Taiwan national who cannot obtain a 台胞證, so it looks hopeful. Whether they would actually give a whitey like me without any obvious Chinese ancestry one of these travel documents just because I’m a Taiwan national is unclear and will have to be tested.

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This post from Liam_Og (who I can’t tag for some reason, was he banned?) seems to state that his son (who is NWHOR?) was able to get the 中华人民共和国旅行证.

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This is what a “定居證” looks like…it’s also called an Exit & Entry Permit Taiwan Republic of China (中華民國台灣地區入出境許可證)

It doesn’t have an expiry date printed on it but it does state in the Official Notes that you must go to your HHR within 30 days to apply for your Household Registration and get your ID card.


In that case I definitely shouldn’t do this step till I’m ready to get my HHR. Thanks for that, would have been pretty bad if I applied for this without knowing it requires me to get HHR. So I guess I’ll just stay TARC level until I’m 36.


can you get exempt from military service if you have a family and you are the sole bread winner? worth asking. I know a few people that faked medical conditions to get out of military service, being a father sounds like a legitimate reason to be exempt.

I’ve tried googling it but no luck.
I think you can if you have two kids