2020 : My journey towards getting Taiwanese Citizenship for myself and my infant daughter

Depending on where you’re coming from, they’ll probably only ask for a blood test. I failed the MMR antibody check and a note from the hospital saying I had since gotten a booster was enough.

For the address, while technically a rental agreement and inspection by the HRO is enough, doing so without the landlord’s consent may lead to a surprise tax bill and you being evicted. I’d try and work out a deal with the landlord first. My landlady was willing to allow registration provided I take care of any additional tax burden (there was none).


No exemption in my case so I’ll need to do all the tests. But it’s good to know they can’t deny citizenship for failing the health exam, if you get treatment.

Thanks, I’ll talk to my landlady soon. Do I need to get her permission in writing? Is there any specific template for that ?


No, she’ll just have to give you a copy of her last property tax payment certificate.


I think it’s less of a permission and more of an agreement.
According to the law, the landlords should allow tenants to register in their address. But that may cost them some tax over the rent (additional income).
If you do it without talking to them, you wouldn’t be doing anything illegal, but you may piss them off and end up being kicked out of the apartment.


I passed such situation twice. First time, after naturalization. And second time, after changing residence. I can confirm that rental contract is not enough for HHR people. There is the list of choices. You can see below.

I’ve found that for my case the easiest way in addition to my current rental contract was to ask the landlord for a copy of property certificate (not about recent tax paid) with landlord’s written contest on it. It worked successfully for me. But look at the table, is has more options…


I had this dilemma when I was applying for my HHR…they said a rental contract ain’t good enough and that you also need a copy of the Landlord’s “房屋稅單” to register yourself into the Landlord’s 戶口. Since I was not so friendly with my landlord at that time (only started renting for a year or so) and knowing how Landlord’s here are so unwilling to let tenants register, I decided to use my brother’s 戶籍 to register myself as he had bought a house in his name. Fast forward a few years later and being on good terms with my landlord, I finally asked him if he was willing to let me “設獨立戶籍”, at which he readily agreed and even said that it is the law now that landlords cannot refuse tenants to register at their address. He gave me his 房屋稅單 and now I have my own HHR at his place of residence. There was another reason why I had to “設戶籍” as I was applying for a rent subsidy.
Anyway, this HHR thing is a real pain in the a@# and it all depends on the Landlord/Landlady if they are willing to comply or not even though the law says they must. Add to that, the Taiwan govt. thinks all new immigrants who are just about to receive their IDs should also have their own house in their own name so they can setup their HHR!!! @Fuzzy_Barbecue the easiest solution would be to ask a Taiwan friend if he/she is willing to let you into their HHR…if not, I hope your landlady agrees!.


Hopefully, she’ll agree to provide it as I am paying extra for the tax because I rented the apartment via my employer.

Thanks for sharing all these options.

Also, I found this on MOI website. According to Google Translate:

.…If there is a fact of residence and the above-mentioned proof documents cannot be submitted, it may be verified by the police officer of the police station or the personnel of the household registration office…


Yes, that’s the nuclear option if the landlord won’t play ball.

If tax on rental income is already being paid there shouldn’t be any problem at all.


Just curious. How does one qualify for that?

Thanks. Was your brother in the same city and district as you when you applied?


Basic qualifications are:

  1. Must be a Taiwan Citizen
  2. Must not own a house. Your parents / grandparents should not own a house either.
  3. Total assets (movable/non movable) should not exceed a certain amount.
  4. Must be a legal housing unit. Rooftop houses etc are not allowed.
  5. You must not be paying taxes at a 20% rate (that means your yearly income is very high)

More info can be checked here and here

In the same city (New Taipei) but a different district.


Just need to double check:

I got my naturalization certificate on 8th April and my TARC was approved on 21 April 2021. So, the earliest date I can apply for settlement (定居申請書) would be 22 April 2022, right?

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Yes, that’s right

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Did everything went well? i just did mine last month, and received the examination report (approved) one week later. I had to retake the MMR vaccine shot since i lost the card somewhere, but overall the health checkup only took me around 2 hours.

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I went on Saturday instead not realizing they don’t offer checkup on weekends. So, I am planning to go this Friday now.

Buy the way, I made this checklist for the next step based on info from this link .

Anything I should add/remove?


How is daily life with an tarc? Is it better or worse compared to an arc/aprc?

It just like being on a regular ARC. Nothing remarkable TBH.

The only time the TARC worked “better” for me was when I got a new 5G sim card from Chunghwa. I was prepared to pay a deposit, but they told me “No need” because I was a “Taiwanese”. :sweat_smile: Even got a discount (from NTD 599 to 499 / month).



  1. Registered return envelope (掛號回郵信封). You can buy it in Postal Office (郵局). Note: the registered one cost NT$28 for delivery of envelopes weighing less than 20 grams.
  2. Document fee (證件費): NT$600


  1. Police Criminal Record Certificate in place of residence

Taiwan Mobile doesn’t require a deposit.

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Thanks for the help! You, @frank_hnd and I should celebrate once we get our Taiwan IDs! The drinks are on me if we do it in Kaohsiung! :beers:


Hi, just curious if you had any luck getting the rental contract?