2020 : My journey towards getting Taiwanese Citizenship for myself and my infant daughter

Thanks man

Long time didn’t check this post, since my application still ongoing without problem.
Recently I already got the Naturalization Certificate and surprise surprise they come with TARC like you have on top.

Just not sure whether need to apply Passport because my embassy said to not apply before got the renunciation certificate from my original country. And from here I need to stay 365 days without going overseas. So probably should be ok to not apply now especially with current situations.

Btw, any success for your HHR? Did you work it out with your landlord?


Good news! I just submitted the application for permanent settlement successfully.

Here’s what I submitted :

  1. One photo
  2. Original TARC
  3. Application for Taiwan Permanent Resident Certificate
  4. Original Health Exam
  5. Copy of Rental contract + Last paid Electric Bill (original)
  6. Copy of spouse ARC (Not sure why they needed that. I told them I naturalized via work)
  7. Registered Return Envelope
  8. 600NT$

FYI : I didn’t ask the landlady for permission. They didn’t ask for property tax bill. Either way I know she pays it because my company gets invoices from her.

Next step, Taiwan ID!


@Fuzzy_Barbecue Quite the saga. I read it beginning to end, and couldn’t stop.

Your writing style is engaging and your story (especially the story about your family history) is really interesting. You really should write a book.


Did you get it on the mail yet?
How long did they tell you it takes?
Did you go on the the 21st as in your TARC or the next day?

Thank you. Especially with the world changing as fast as it is, I hope someday I can write about my experiences in Yemen, Pakistan and China. Definitely need to include a few pages about Russia and Ukraine too, back when things weren’t so crazy.

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Not yet, but checking it everyday.

They said 10 to 14 working days, but I am certain it will not take that long. I read a few articles that said 1 week.

I went on 22nd just to be safe.


I called them and they said 7 working days, I am scared now…

I’m going to NIA tomorrow to apply for the same settlement permit. It should be around a week or so. Don’t worry. If it does take longer than a week, you could always give them follow-up calls. You can also check the current application status as per link below after receiving the payment receipt:



As always @DakenX very helpful, thank you!

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I went to NIA this afternoon to apply for the settlement permit. They are telling me that in 2 weeks i should receive the mail.


I went to NIA this afternoon as well to apply for the residence settlement permit. They told me 7 working days. I told them I was in a bit of a rush because I need to travel on the beginning of June and they had me write a statement to try to rush the process. I also chose to pick up the paper in person instead of the mail-in option.

They had difficulties confirming my renunciation but I told them I had already received confirmation from MOI about the dual-nationality. It is not part of the paperwork required to apply but thankfully I had 2 pages on hand related to that.


I got this letter today.

Is this the document I am supposed to use to apply for my HHR and Taiwan ID ? Or is this a kind of rejection letter ? It sounds like a rejection letter.

If it is, then I don’t understand what my marriage has to do with MY settlement and MY path to a Taiwan ID ? I naturalized via work and gold card ARC, not through marriage.

Whether I want to put my wife on my HHR or not should come after I get my own household registration? After I get my Taiwan ID , right ?

I am confused by this letter and what little I can translate of it. I am posting it here. Maybe I am reading it all wrong.

I’d appreciate any help!

Relax, it’s not a rejection letter. :slightly_smiling_face: Basically, it’s asking you to provide documentation within three months if you want to add your wife’s name to your settlement document. They want a marriage certificate (in both local language and Chinese) certified by TECO in the Philippines. It also says if you want to go abroad, be sure to take both your ROC passport and ARC to avoid problems.


Thank you. Sorry I was panicking. :slight_smile:

That’s my worry. I don’t have an ARC anymore. They took it. I don’t mind arranging the certificate from Philippines, but it will take 4 to 8 weeks (at least).


Sounds like you better get the ball rolling!


Just wanted to update here too.
I have confirmed that I’ll need to wait another 2 weeks to get my permanent resident certificate.

I have provided more details here :


I just got mine today. They should give you 3 pages, first page is a letter communicating that you need to apply for ID within 30 days, the second is called Exit / Entry Permit and this is what you need to get Household registration at the local office and get your ID. The third page is just your old and new UI number page which is what you get before you apply for ARC for the first time.

I would recommend waiting 1 day after you get those papers from Immigration since I went on the same day and they had me wait almost 2 hours because some of my info wasn’t on the system yet.


Now you get to change your ID number at all of the places again!

Very fun.


You must be fun at parties! lol and I have to do everything ASAP since I have to travel next month… let the “wait here for a while” games begin!

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Of course I’m fun at parties.

Political parties.


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