2020 USA Presidential Election (Alleged) Vote Fraud

This. Is. Not. True.

Except for the eye witnesses.


So you agree Democrats have undermined Democracy for 4 years with the help of the media? Great.

By deductive reasoning, you would also agree that any president would rightfully challenge results, until there was confidence that everything is ok, in this kind of political environment.

Hillary conceding within 24hrs is irrelevant - is there some kind of race for who’s the quickest to concede that I don’t know about?

A post was merged into an existing topic: From 2020 USA Presidential election alleged vote fraud

And Al Gore did in December 2000.


Take a moment to reflect on your emotions and reactions to people who have a different view than you.


Sure man. And Trump was a Russia asset.


Shit I thought he was Hitler. How did I miss that?

The voter fraud circle jerk is just as crazy as the Russian collusion circle jerk.

Americans done lost their minds.

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Yes it is. thats why there is a court order demanding they segregate votes received after 8pm on election day.

Are you pretending all the votes arrived at the polling stations before 8pm on election day. Wisconsin has a video of a police escort doing just that, you’re being silly and wasting my time, get the facts right before stomping your feet and acting all outraged and indignant with a peppering of orange man bad. It’s tiresome.


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I’m going going to buy election fraud if the evidence comes straight off Hunter’s laptop, the rest is fake MSM news.

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I think you mean if you watch it on CNN.

No that’s fake, Hunter’s laptop is the only trusted source.

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I must admit. It does seem more trustworthy than CNN.

Most scholars think so. Now excuse me, a lot of people are talking about Trump unicorn formication and I must investigate a pizza parlor. :man_superhero:

It’s not “a different view”. I’m fine with different views. What @Mick, apparently a moderator on this illustrious website, is posting is just plain misinformation.

“Hundreds of thousands” of people did not vote after Election Day in PA. That’s false. It’s disinformation. It’s not reality.



Everyone knows it, let them throw their poop around, it’s funny.

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Yeah but like, I’ve been a member of this website for ten years. I get a lot out of this website. But I’m fucking sick of moderators posting disinformation.

If members post disinformation, on fine, sure, free speech I guess. But moderators moving my posts and then posting disinformation themselves? Come the fuck on.


You mean information that you don’t agree with.

I didn’t say they voted after election day, I said their votes arrived at the polling station after election day.

Pennsylvania law says they must be there by 8pm on election day. Now we could get into a back and forth on why they were allowing votes by mail to arrive after 8pm, but that would require you to get your head around the basic claims and what is being contested in court as well as what actually happened in Pennsylvania.

This is just one of the claims being contested. Other claims like observers not being allowed to observe are being claimed also.