2020 USA Presidential Election (Alleged) Vote Fraud

If questioning the results of a presidential election were a crime, as many have asserted in the wake of the controversial 2020 election and its aftermath, nearly the entire Democratic Party and media establishment would have been incarcerated for their rhetoric following the 2016 election. In fact, the last time they accepted the legitimacy of a presidential election they lost was in 1988.

From 2016 through 2020, the easiest way to achieve stardom on the political left was to loudly proclaim your belief that 2016 was an illegitimate election stolen by the Russians on behalf of a corrupt traitor. Dissent, up to and including the assertion that the President of the United States was a secret Russian spy, was the highest form of patriotism.

And then 2020 happened.

With the snap of their fingers, America’s electoral system went from irredeemably corrupt and broken in 2016 to unquestionably safe in 2020. Voting methods that were allegedly used to steal elections in 2004 and 2016 suddenly became sacrosanct and impenetrable in 2020. Whereas so-called election experts repeatedly warned pre-2020 about the pitfalls of electronic voting and widespread mail-in balloting, by November of 2020, any discussion about the vulnerabilities of those methods was declared to be verboten.


The cyberninja crew had a consumer grade wifi router connected to what is supposed to be a secure air-gapped audit network for the recount to connect wireless cameras to the network. :man_facepalming:

I think more disturbing are allegations that entire databases were deleted from the EMS primary location.

Also allegations of irregularities in chain of custody. As well as previously known non compliance of handing over passwords and access to routers.

Edit Dominion release statement, they will not give administrator access to Cyber Ninjas.

edit 2 Trump weighs in on deleted databases.


A devastating letter written by Arizona Senate President Karen Fann on voting irregularities, and probably fraud, in Maricopa County during the 2020 Presidential Election. Even the database was illegally deleted after the subpoena to produce the information. Senate President Fann has invited Maricopa County officials to a public hearing on May 18 to allow them the opportunity to try to explain what happened to the missing databases, ballots, and other significant issues. The Fake News and Lamestream Media is doing everything they can not to cover this major story. They just refuse to talk or report about it. They don’t want the United States or World to see what is going on with our corrupt, third world election. Read the full letter here: https://cdn.donaldjtrump.com/djtweb/general/5-12-21_Letter_to_Maricopa_County_Board.pdf

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The Fake News and Lamestream Media is doing everything they can not to cover this major story.

Sounds like a serious adult.

Wouldn’t worry about it, no one will hear him and the media are enthralled with their new darling Liz Cheney who rather than focus on the abject failures of the Biden administration (border crisis, inflation, pipeline crisis, wars kicking off in the middle East) is 24/7 with the single track “orange man bad”.

The irony is not lost on some.


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Ouch. They might as well just explicitly call cyber ninjas (and the az senate) incompetent ass monkeys with this dismantling of their.complaints:

I just got through reading that, seems they lawyered up and won’t be attending the Tuesday meeting.

Also don’t have admin password for the tallying machines, Dominion won’t give it either, same reason as you say they are calling Cyber Ninjas " incompetent ass monkeys" and same reason for not giving access to routers Cyber Ninjas are basically " incompetent ass monkeys" who they wouldn’t trust with a toothbrush.

Anything further I guess will go through the courts. Unless they finish up with what they have and whatever they say will be met with “who cares what incompetent ass monkeys say”.

What’s so fucked about it is, if the response is vaguely accurate, not that cyberninjas are ass monkeys (most of us knew that already) - it’s that the az senate is so ignorant of what they’ve already been provided, of the coordination work done with their representatives, of election procedures they create laws for and of what’s been done already per az law.

I imagine between them one of them may have read a book once, but seriously the efforts to discredit them are palatable, that letter from the BoS read like a childish name calling tirade and brought up the blue pens you mentioned which according to the letter never got handed out anyway.

Anyway, according to the testimony in Tuesdays meeting where the BoS declined to turn up, one of the " incompetent ass monkeys" you will be pleased to hear was able to recover all the deleted data. Around the 49 minute mark.


The deleted data that probably wasn’t ever deleted? Good job that they were able to get that. :wink:

Need to do what Hillary did, use bleach bit that writes multiple times over the data to really get rid of it, or take a bunch of hammers to her phones.

Or do what the Mueller team all did, do a complete format of their phones before handing them back to the IG.

Thoughts from an observer from The Elections Group of the Maricopa audit.


Same as a Slate piece, it’s called sowing the storyline.

The proposition is simple. Massive fraud can be committed if you can do two things.

  1. Control the count.
  2. Control a recount or audit.

Do those two things, you can more or less control the outcome of any election.

They know large discrepancies are going to be found and are priming everyone to put them in the frame of mind that it is due to malfeasance.


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Indeed. In Arizona the only ones with admin passwords on the the counting machines were Dominion and they have decided only a certified company may inspect their machine of which there are only two companies in the USA that are currently certified.

What could go wrong? Kind of like a magician performs a trick and only allows the magicians assistant to inspect the apparatus.

When a member of the public wants to look, 100 lawyers descend and the media goes all out to discredit the member of the public.


Interesting and quite fair I think article from Bloomberg.

But Manchin has put his finger on what would be wrong with passing even a slimmed-down version of the bill. “How in the world could you, with the tension we have right now, allow a voting bill to restructure the voting of America on a partisan line?” he asked in April.
Trust in the system, already dangerously low, would fall further.

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The My Pillow guy sues Dominion for 2 Billion dollars, anyone betting against this being summarily dismissed?

the lawfirm lindell’s lawyer worked for was like, wtf? not exactly a good sign.

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I’m not surprised though, the various states who have people that are pushing for an audit are making it clear they will go after lawyers who take on their case, I think Lin Wood is facing disbarment, which he is fighting. I followed some things that have been going on in Windham NH and some group are looking into some irregularities and they don’t even have a lawyer, the groups pushing back against them have an army of lawyers and if it’s the State pushing back have unlimited public money to hire the best law firms in the country.

Lawyers are too scared to take on or be associated with taking on the powers that be.

So ominous! What do you reckon those powers will do with them?

I tend to think they’re scared of ruining their own reputation, always interested in a good haunted house story though. :ghost: