3rd US Stimulus Check

The US is sending out the 2nd and last wave of 3rd stimulus checks this month.

If yours did not arrive from the March batch, it should arrive with the May batch.

It takes on average 1 to 1.5 months for mailed checks to be delivered.

If, by July you still have received nothing, report it on your 2021 taxes next spring.


In July the piece of paper of the check might be worth more than the amount. :sweat_smile:

But seriously, Iā€™m really getting screwed with the exchange rate compared to last month.

Good luck. Iā€™ve been trying to get my 600 dollars for months. Even tried to claim it on my taxes since I didnā€™t get it and the irs just subtracted it without even checking if I had gotten it

Well, I received the acknowledgment letter from the White House today saying I should receive the check within 7 days, so hopefully thatā€™s a good sign.

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Your check is in the mail. :grin:


Get My Payment says 3rd stimulus check to be processed March 26th.

Notification letter dated April 23, and received May 24th, says that if I havenā€™t received the payment in 7 days to visit the IRS website or call an 800 number.

Today is June 25th and nothing yet.

The IRS website is just the Get My Payment thing. Calling the 800 number results in not being able to talk to a real person, but instead being directed to the Get My Payment site.


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I also did not get one yet :cry:

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Thereā€™s a little comfort in shared misery :hugs:

If itā€™s any comfort, I never got my 2nd check. I filed for a refund for that amount on my 2020 taxes.


Iā€™m grateful for the first two checks, but I was working at that time. Now that I havenā€™t been working it figures that I wouldnā€™t get this one. Oh well, guess Iā€™ll get a refund for my 2021 taxes. Maybe by that time I can use it to actually travel!

I think youā€™ll probably get the check eventually. This is the U.S. postal service weā€™re talking about hereā€¦

The US postal service would get letters to me from ORD to Taiwan within 5 business days up to 2019. Packages labeled in both English and Chinese arrived within 2 weeks. This new level of slow is the USPS under a certain man who is successfully destroying it, not the USPS in and of itself

Hmm, Iā€™ve always found their service slow and unreliable.

Got another check today.
That makes 4 so far.
I think it was the back pay for my kidsā€™ stimulus they failed to include the first 3 times.

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