4,600 more foreign English teachers needed

Care to give us a round about figure? 100k a month? 200? 500?

Sounds interesting :face_with_monocle: maybe something to consider if my e-commerce thing takes off and I want to live in Taiwan.

Edit. I see it now. I wonder what my chances are with a masters in finance. Do they even teach finance?

I’m not sure about finance, but you’ll likely need to have a few teachable subjects. I know they won’t accept just a master’s. You’ll need a teaching certificate from your home country… So you’ll likely need to do a BEd.

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Surely with your basketball background that’d be your in? All my friends that teach there are gym teachers.

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They just teach gym? Idk how things work at TAS, but most sports coaches in the US in school also teach a subject. Usually like health or something.

Yeah you have to double up I think.

That would cool, I think I would actually enjoy that.

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Anyone have a link for applying for a job?

Not in state schools, I’d need a PGCE for that. I can teach in private schools.

EDIT: Actually I could now teach in state schools. The rules have been relaxed. It’s moot, though, as there’s no way I’d ever do it.

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Well, of course. Name a field in which most prestigious employers aren’t much better off than the public sector equivalent. I don’t see it as a fair comparison – especially when the experience + credentials bar is also much higher.

To a degree, it is similar with my comparison of cram schools vs public. But that’s the difference between a company being interested in any schmuck who “looks the part” versus some kind of teaching qualifications and experience (I fully agree with those who’ve brought up how a homeland teaching license isn’t an appropriate qualification for EFL.)

Why is it not a fair comparison? The salary in government schools in Taiwan is really low, but the requirements to work there are pretty much the same as TES or TAS. OK, TES and TAS require at least two years of teaching experience in your home country.

I read once if a English language foreigner marries a Taiwanese national they can teach without the BA?

at cram schools, yes.

In private buxibans.

The biggest agency to help with public school jobs (outside of Taipei) is Teach Taiwan:

If you’re looking at Taoyuan City, I could refer you to a couple of the coordinators (post-hire agents serving your rolling needs such as housing, permits, etc.)

If you’re looking at Taoyuan, I can refer you specifically to



Is it just the marriage or some other subsequent document like residence permit or work permit or household registration or something?


Someone with no experiance little education can teach just from marriage, why does marrying a Taiwanese make you more educated?

I would be useless,I have no BA manual work all my life.

I taught at a cram school in England when I was at uni. I had no qualifications to teach. They’re just cram schools.

You was at UNI