7-11 Beer Festival is back!

HOld it !! How do you know only the ladies go for the salads?? :slight_smile: Just asking.

I bought the last 2 Sam Adams and last Wailua from the 7-11 around the corner from my place of employment.

I’d been looking for this thread. It’s nice to know other people feel the way I do. The only question I have is why isn’t this in the food section?

Looks like they’ve complete run out of Sam Adams. So the whole thing is just another Taiwanese fake sales promotion. How dull.

Carrefour in Shilin however have gone bonkers on the beer and are offering all sorts of goodies including some Danish beer called Harboe for NT$29 which I’ve just bought a case of and it’s rather good. I went for the Gold, 5.9%. Dunno how it stacks up in Denmark, probably only drunk by tramps, but it sure beats Heineken etc. And no it doesn’t taste like Tuborg Gold!

Sniff! Sniff! :cry: I’m just sad the Samuel Adams is gone. Does anybody know if you can get it at Costco?

Same around my area. I cleaned up the last few on the weekendWhat manner of numbskull does not properly stock their inventory, especially when it’s flying off the shelves?

Received an advert in the mail from RT Mart.
Prominently featured 6-packs of that CHIANG beer at what appeared to be a very reasonable price.
NT$130 or so…somewhere around that.

Don’t have the advert in my office anymore…wife saw me looking at it and grabbed it away.

Same around my area. I cleaned up the last few on the weekendWhat manner of numbskull does not properly stock their inventory, especially when it’s flying off the shelves?[/quote]
Are you near a Carrefour outlet? If so, they have a few different kinds of Saranac microbrews from upstate New York – a pale ale, a lager and a dark Bavarian-style one. Nice drops all (well, dunno about the lager – didn’t try it.)

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]Received an advert in the mail from RT Mart.
Prominently featured 6-packs of that CHIANG beer at what appeared to be a very reasonable price.
NT$130 or so…somewhere around that.

Don’t have the advert in my office anymore…[color=#FF0000]wife saw me looking at it and grabbed it away[/color].[/quote]
Damn! Thwarted again!

Yeah…I carry the faint hope that she took it so she can stop at RT and get me a six-pack or 2 or 3…foolish dreamer that I am.

I just know that ain’t gonna be happening.
Especially in this monsoon today.

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]Yeah…I carry the faint hope that she took it so she can stop at RT and get me a six-pack or 2 or 3…foolish dreamer that I am.

I just know that ain’t gonna be happening.
Especially in this monsoon today.[/quote]
My wife came home with a six pack of Heineken for me the other day. Hope springs eternal, mate!

God Bless Her!

My wife…once…brought me a large can of Taiwan Green…she thought it was a new kind of green tea.

Of course I told her it was. She got suspicious when I suggested she go get 4 or 5 more of them.

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]Received an advert in the mail from RT Mart.
Prominently featured 6-packs of that CHIANG beer at what appeared to be a very reasonable price.
NT$130 or so…somewhere around that.

Don’t have the advert in my office anymore…wife saw me looking at it and grabbed it away.[/quote]
They have their advertisements online, too. Try this one for Tainan:

[quote=“bismarck”][quote=“TainanCowboy”]Yeah…I carry the faint hope that she took it so she can stop at RT and get me a six-pack or 2 or 3…foolish dreamer that I am.

I just know that ain’t gonna be happening.
Especially in this monsoon today.[/quote]
My wife came home with a six pack of Heineken for me the other day. Hope springs eternal, mate![/quote]
What? That she’ll get hit by a bus? What the HELL did you do to her that’s so bad the punishment is choking down six tins of that godawful pisswater?
You, my friend, need to get out and buy a Hugh Jass bouquet to try and make amends.

Heineken! You’ve been such a shit that she’s making you drink HEINEKEN! :astonished: :noway: :astonished:

[quote=“sandman”][quote=“bismarck”][quote=“TainanCowboy”]Yeah…I carry the faint hope that she took it so she can stop at RT and get me a six-pack or 2 or 3…foolish dreamer that I am.

I just know that ain’t gonna be happening.
Especially in this monsoon today.[/quote]
My wife came home with a six pack of Heineken for me the other day. Hope springs eternal, mate![/quote]
What? That she’ll get hit by a bus? What the HELL did you do to her that’s so bad the punishment is choking down [color=#FF0000]six tins[/color] of that godawful pisswater?
You, my friend, need to get out and buy a Hugh Jass bouquet to try and make amends.

Heineken! You’ve been such a shit that she’s making you drink HEINEKEN! :astonished: :noway: :astonished:[/quote]
Bottles, my good man! Bottles!

Edit: And you’d probably be horrified if I told you what I usually buy at 7-11!

Same around my area. I cleaned up the last few on the weekendWhat manner of numbskull does not properly stock their inventory, especially when it’s flying off the shelves?[/quote]
Are you near a Carrefour outlet? If so, they have a few different kinds of Saranac microbrews from upstate New York – a pale ale, a lager and a dark Bavarian-style one. Nice drops all (well, dunno about the lager – didn’t try it.)[/quote]
Yeah, I saw you chaps talking about that in the Beer Alert thread. I’ve been meaning to stop in at a Carrefour, but haven’t had the chance. I’m looking forward to the dark.

I know it maybe a bit too working class for some esteemed Forumosans but may I suggest the Newcastle Brown Ale. However it tates far better when poured into a large glass. In fact it almost tastes the same as in an English pub. Not quite as nothing really beats ale from an English pub but it comes a bloody good second!

The Hawaiian beer is still around :slight_smile: . And at least I’ll always be able to go to DRINKS and get a buzz off of the free samples.

As I predicted, TwoTongues you can still get Kona, 1640 or whatever, at the 7-Eleven outside Qingshui Village in Beigan. That’s part of the Mat
u Archipelago n case you weren’t sure. :laughing:

It’s pretty fun going to different areas and checking out the 7-11s. I took a walk on the outskirts of Yonghe this afternoon and picked up a bottle of Longboard and two cans of Boddingtons.