7-11, Family Mart, McDonald's in house channels?

I’ve been passing by those places and have noticed they are showing some real content. Interviews, infomercials, PSAs.
For whom are the programs meant for. The sound is almost always turned down.
Someone’s paying to produce content.
Why bother. Is there a way to watch these channels at home? I’d really like to finish that chicken hugging documentary on how humanely McD…s chickens are treated…
Any ideas why they produce programming for these channels.

You walk in to McDonalds. They have the channel going MYTV.
Usually the volume is turned down and you glance at it four a few seconds and your on your way.
But if you take a closer look these are actually shows. Infomercials, yes but informative (for someone who grew up reading cerial boxes) and we’ll produced.
Why is there all that effort for something no one watches?
If these channels were available on line, I’d watch at least a few programs

I grew up with Chef Tony as inspirational figure, so I wouldn’t mind watching that stuff.

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Not much information on this on the internet. From Wikipedia:


Watching TV while you eat is a way of life in Taiwan. Nearly every small mom-and-pop restaurant in even the smallest village has a TV on and everybody facing the same direction watching it.

McDonald’s franchise owners must be getting some profit from showing MYTV instead of local news channels.



ps. Discourse please stop telling me that this isn’t a complete sentence.

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The TV counts you when you watch it. It also works out your basic demographic statistics (age, sex, …), as well as which bits of the commercial you pay attention to and for how long.


‘Watching’ TV while doing anything is a way of life in Taiwan, all day TV. No one really cares to look at it!

What happens when you give the TV a finger up?

Sentiment analysis hasn’t been implemented yet. Probably coming in 2020.


… to a TV near you! :wink:

You know how when you go in a crowded elevator and everyone’s facing the same way, and if you face a different way, people get a bit uncomfortable? Sometimes I’ve been that person in breakfast places. Twenty faces staring one way, at the TV - and me facing a different direction.

Or maybe they’re all just posing for a Last Supper-style picture, and I’m messing up the shot.


The TV is on. The volume almost always turned down. Not many people are watching it. Only curious trouble makers like me…
Yet, there are shows. Interviews. Infomercial documentaries and real commercial spots.
Actors, writers, music, video and good talent in general producing stuff that no one is watching.
Why the effort. 10 years ago 7 eleven had the idea. A small window for commercials, the rest of the screen just displayed weather warnings.

That didn’t change concept since the early 90’s of last century!

I’ve got a new super hero character just for you.

Mr Awkward.

Sometimes they do these things because of the shareholders connections. It’s not always about productive achievement.

Someone spent the time to produce the stuff. When the sound is on, I find it is not half bad. I like to watch the factory workers feeding and cuddling the chickens that go into my Chicken Sandwich. It’s a sandwich made with love.
I’ll just be the weird foreigner that asks them to please turn up the sound when I go there to eat my meals. They should at least open a stream to the public. People watch anything.

I doubt it. They use a cheap Taiwan Brand TV. But the Menu display boards. That’s nice stuff. I can’t wait for them to be cheap enough use to display contemporary paintings.

Some phones have IR-Blaster and with an App you can basically remote control any TV.

Where’s the remote blaster on the Xiaomi red 6