70 People from 70 Countries Imitate Americans (Taiwanese too)

Maybe it was taught in school?

Are you kidding? Do you remember anything you learned in school?

Some things.

For some country folk saying hello to strangers when walking outside is common. Yeah, unfortunately in cities most people are on their guard for muggers, pick pockets , con artists and such like.

Or…living with 5,000,000 people the sheer number of interactions with strangers per day is so much greater than living with 500 or 5,000 people that it’s simply not practical to treat everyone as a long lost friend.

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oh my god :laughing:

In some places stop and chat for five minutes is considered on the border of impolite. Check this out:


Cool! I met one of these people once, in Bangkok of all places. He sounded vaguely Australian or something but told me he was from the coastal mid-Atlantic US and I had difficulty believing it. He didn’t sound nearly as extreme as most of the people in this video, but very similar to the guy who speaks at the end.

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