A former PRC national has ROC nationality?

Ok I’ve got their reply. Their argument is mainland residents and Taiwan residents are classified not according to nationality, but rather according to household registration. So they’ve completely avoided the discussion of nationality for mainland residents. Perhaps it’s better to send them a better question, explicitly asking them whether mainland residents are ROC nationals?

It might help if you described why you are asking these questions.

My wife was born in Macau in 1983 and still has her Macau PR/passport. Her parents are also Macau PR but were born in PRC in the 1950s. Does she have any special privileges for Taiwan residency?

You may already know, but for people who would visit here to look for information.


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I heard of one woman in the Philippines who is not a citizen of there whose parents had oraganised them a ROC passport sometime I think in the 80s because at the time it was impossible to get a PRC passport from the Chinese embassy. Passport is a NWHOR passport, they still can’t get a PRC passport and as far as Taiwan was concerned their hukou was in Mainland China so they would have to live in Taiwan for 6 years to get household registration in Taiwan ie the same process as for people from the mainland. Not sure what their situation is now.