A North Korea thread

Could be any one of these:

A. He was just chillin out.

B. He self quarantined, waiting out the virus situation there.

C. He caught the virus and was recovering, that’s why he missed the party for his dad, and now he is well enough to reappear.

D. He was deliberately messing with everyone, hoping to get back in the media spotlight

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Out doing the Thai king and his harem



“I did not know this needed to be said until today, but can y’all not stan possible next-in-line dictators, please?”

I think most people are doing it ironically.

After reading the tweets in the article, maybe I’m giving the internet too much credit though.


Haha, yes, of course, most people are joking about it.

But luckily…




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Well it may be fake news as trump would say
I mean that pic shows thousands of grannies
I wouldn’t want to have sex with
But then I’m not the North Korean great leader

I think quality counts a wee bit more than quantity although any port in a storm could sometimes apply

An interesting detail that I just noticed. In the picture that I just quoted, look at Yo Jong’s dress, hair and makeup.

Now let’s have a look at another picture in my KYJ’s folder (that is totally reasonably sized):

Same headband. Exactly the same outfit. The same (identical?) makeup, which is odd since in all her recent photos, even those taken in formal occasions, she has little to no makeup.
When was this second photo taken? It was a head shot from 2017 when she was given access to the Politburo.

Fishiness levels: increasing


Interesting theory, but the date on the sign behind her/them on the video is May 1, 2020.

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She points out that she realizes it is being done in mocking but she’s trying to point out --in woke speech – folks need to stop normalizing this crazy family with cutesty Tik Tok videos. :wink:

You overlooked the obvious : the double eye surgery in the second photo.

are you a contractor to CIA?

I really think NK trolls everyone this way. I bet they were all in a room laughing at western media freaking out speculating. Like that one time he came back with a walking cane but no one knows why. He should have came with with an random eye patch to really fuck with all the intelligence agencies around the world and waste their time.

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He should show up with a fake robotic arm, so the media in the west would start talking about north Korea’s secret cybernetic program.

I’m waiting for North Korea’s equivalent of Wumaos to show up on the forum. They’ll notice the high quality of my posts in this thread and will mention me to the chief of the Propaganda and Agitation Department, who just happens to be Yo Jong. From there my life will be on easy mode, either working as a leading officer in NK for a salary of 25 gorillion Won (probably 8$?) or as her sex slave, or both.


Well, he’s made one person happy, anyway.

“I, for one, am glad to see he is back, and well!” Mr Trump tweeted, after the North Korean leader reportedly attended the opening of a fertiliser plant.
Kim Jong-un: Trump 'glad' about reappearance of North Korean leader - BBC News

True love is such a wonderful thing.

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until Dennis Rodman confirms it, KJU is alive 'n kicking

Wonder if she even exists? Have you seen the ANN-generated human faces on thispersondoesnotexist.com? Or maybe she’s one of those Japanese humanoid robots. Check out the size of those calves; perhaps they have to be that big to fit the motors and whatnot inside.

I’m guessing he’s got bigger tits.

The receding hairline and upturned nose take her down a couple points. :thinking:

On the upside, if she unifies with South Korea she can have as much plastic surgery as she wants!