
Nah, not the Taiwanese ones, just foreign ones.

It’s always been established that COVID-CCP ignores Taiwan, just like everyone else so as to not hurt the feelings of the Chinese people.

Flying Termites Are Not Death From Above. … Swarming is a natural occurrence that happens when a subterranean termite colony grows to a “mature” size. Seeing these massive flying termite swarms can be quite terrifying to some people, when in reality the swarmers do not cause any structural damage.

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This is a queen who recently got laid.


Queens live up to 15 years. Produce 2000 eggs per day.


Those are flying ants.

millipedes dont bite, the centipedes DO and are poisonous in taiwan

No, but it’s a sign of things to come. Seeing a pair of them trying to find a place to lay eggs is scary.

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I’ve fallen and I can’t get u… Whoa! Nevermind, nothing to see in this here bucket :yum:

Wait…I thought you were. :thinking:

My first year in Taiwan I made the mistake of leaving my window open without screen and the lights on after a rainstorm. Walked into the apartment to find thousands of them flying around. Was grossed out so went to the hardware store and bought insect gas poison, set it off and left for a few hours.

The gross part was collecting the thousands of dead termite bodies everywhere when I got back


Nah, they start with the door frames. Opening and closing doors become real fun.

But they die within hours anyway…


She’s gonna have hella stretch marks.

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I didn’t know that at the time and freaked out at the sight of thousands of insects flying around my room. I didn’t know if they bite or not either. Just get them out fast.

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