Abortion, where to go in Taipei?

Yes - from almost it’s beginnings, in fact, but we have done very little to promote it. I am sorry about this.

If you are a woman, you can reach the forum with this link.

Expect to see web banners reminding us that the Women’s forum is there

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Not even mods have access to the holy land.

How does a user prove they are a woman though?

Privately sending proof to the admins.

We will do a video call. That said, we are open to ideas that make the process easier. We just don’t want to make it overly complicated.

Beyond that we use the honor system. The rule is: it’s a women’s only forum. If someone gets in who isn’t supposed to be there, we’ll suspend him. Something like that.

Here are some discussions in the Feedback Forum about the Women’s forum

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So anyone that knows a woman can join basically. That’s just some hoop jumping for nothing.

Is there a men’s only forum?

If not, that’s fucking sexist. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Yes, it’s sexist. Like I said, it’s a women’s forum.

No, because it’s quite obvious men on Forumosa do not need a private forum.

This particular topic is about abortion, you can share your thoughts about why Forumosa should not have a Women’s forum in one of these threads Topics tagged womensforum


Why? Maybe we want to talk about not being able to get it up anymore without the women judging us


Someone’s sarcasm meter is :broken_heart:.


Or how to deal with sweaty balls in summer…

don’t wear underwear… I prefer to free ball year round

Exactly! I’m starting to feel very triggered :triumph:

We should start a petition

Abortion is not purely a women’s issue.

Men also looking for discussion or help for her/him/them.


Hmmmmm same could apply to women. Not really obvious.

I think a men private forum would be good.

I’ve done them before.