Women’s Forum

Forumosa.com has a private forum exclusively for women


To access this forum, you must be a member of a special usergroup – if you are not a member of this group, the forum will not appear on Forumosa when you login.

To join this group, you must prove to us that you are indeed a woman (usually a phone or internet call is sufficient). Log into Forumosa and send a PM to @GooseEgg (click here to do this now)

Simply request access to the Women’s Forum and explain how we can reach you to verify you should be given access.

Forumosa strives to be an open web community for and about Taiwan, so some may be confused why an exclusive forum like this exists. You are welcome to discuss this further in these discussion threads on the forums:

Promoting the Women’s Forum
Women’s Forum – Are private forums necessary?
How do you join the women’s forum?
Wanted: Men’s Forum on Forumosa

This week, we started to run a banner campaign on the forums to draw more attention to the private Women’s Forum. This has not been an active forum at all, and we (the admins) wonder whether it is still necessary or relevant to Forumosa today.

We welcome your own thoughts about this - so please share them in the topic links mentioned above. Here are some analytics from the past 3 months (Dec 2021 to Feb 2022) to give you some context - according to Google, over 40% of Forumosans who visited were women - that’s unique visitors over 3 months - despite an impression that many have that the vast majority of visitors to Forumosa are men