ABT with Indonesian girlfriend

why don’t you ask it directly to ordinary taiwanese people. Most of people here are just guessing from their experiences.


I don’t think there is any point in worrying about what people might be thinking. Why care about it? What difference does it make?


I also think it’s a bit in your head mate, and you’re finding everything as something more since you’re looking for it.

Sometimes people look at me and my girl but I really don’t care unless they actually bother me.

Like how common is it to see people speak Indonesian anyways? I’d be interested to see as well with no malice. People are curious. I doubt most have any malice in a place like Taiwan. Taiwan doesn’t usually have that kind of hateful racism and bigotry.

And anyhow, like @geajvop said. Why does it matter.

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Date her, create a ruckus, and become a pioneer in bringing progressive attitudes toward relationships to Taiwan.


Yeah, nah, not a chance of that.

best not to be. it ain’t pretty. plus you are talking to a bunch of foreigners, getting weird interactions and judgements is part of life for most of the folk here i’d imagine.

mate, why do you care? you seem happy so whats the problem here.

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Have you tried Eastern Europe? I was just there…just saying.

I’m Taiwanese and I grew up in the Bay too.

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you mean sitting across a table from a girl and looking at their phone while the girl also looks at hers? :rofl:

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You got lucky to show up on a day when they’re all busy.

I have a feeling that your relatives either suspect and don’t care, are not very observant, or you and she are extremely good at hiding things. Considering the amount of time you seem to spend around her and the fact that you were out of the country when she was (even more if you told your family you were going to Indonesia), it wouldn’t be hard to figure it out. Your biggest problem may be their embarrassment about not seeing something under their noses.

You’re in a country not of your birth. Even if you speak the language and look the same, everything you do is going to seem a bit odd. There is some freedom in that because if you do something odd, you’re just the odd guy doing an odd thing. Develop a thick skin and be nice and polite to people and they will treat you with respect (mostly) despite what they may think.


Find a girl who is about as new to relationships as you are. There’s a few socially stunted people here, too.

You can grow together. Then break up, because the first relationship is generally destined to fail, having learned a valuable lesson about dating. Then you’ll both be normal enough to have normal relationships. Everyone profits!

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more than a few.

The factors are play could also involve Taiwanese girls (many) don’t want to slave around and man the kitchen at the family restaurant or at home… They want the good life. Shopping and dining at fine establishments. A lot of them are very well educated , some educated abroad. They don’t see themselves as just child raisers and cooks and house keepers.

And many Taiwanese men are not able to provide that sort of life to the taiwanese girls who aspire for that. So they have to resort to importing wives who are less educated and willing to be housewives and willing to do the dishes and cook and clean the house. And even work in the family business of selling food, or manning or store, or whatever less aspirational roles that many TW girls don’t aspire to. Many TW girls are not willing to be subservient to the “man” of the house unless that man is able to provide a lifestyle that they want. Especially city girls. Country girls who didn’t go to college may be more willing to play ball as it were.

Now, the truth is that many TW girls who do play ball are not really subservient either, but at least they are willing to do the “wife” work.

Many tw city girls dont want to do “wife” work. They want equal rights and the men get to do the dishes and clean up and all that as well.

In my house , unfortunately marrying an indo girl did not get me any special privileges, I still do all the grunt work I used to do as a single man. She struts around being pretty and all that. Well thats not all true. She does house cleaning. I do laundry and she irons. I wash the cars. But I dont clean house though, which is good.

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This is a bit unfair. It seems like his relationship with the Indonesian maid is genuine (if a little naive).

Also if your GF was indonesian of Chinese descent, it will not be a problem, but I take it she is not of chinese descent. Taiwanese are actually partially of the same race as ethnic indonesians not of chinese extraction.

Many Taiwanese are at least partially aboriginal. The aborigini of taiwan apparently populated the indonesian island and the phillippines. So those “brown” people originated and are related to Taiwanese aborigini and most TAiwanese who have been here hundreds of years are partially Taiwanese aborigini. LIke my family.

I had a GF who was a phillippina maid in Taiwan and my sister liked her a lot, nobody in my family thought anything of it. But we did get a lot of looks out in the streets of Taipei. Much more so than when I was with a TW girl.

Now, if you don’t have TW citizenship not only would it be hard for you to stay but to marry her and keep her on the rock will be problematic as well. But i take it at this stage you are just BF/GF.
You didn’t say your age, but are you in your 20s?
In which case just have fun where you can (better not get anyone pregnant though).

If you are speaking of a relationship leading to marriage. Perhaps living in the US would be better in your case?

It is quite a hassle to get her a visa, I went through that and it takes 18 months at least and is quite a hassle to say the least.

My wife is indo of chinese descent so she could pass for a TW girl in the streets of taipei.

But we are not living in Taiwan anyways so thats a moot point.

Your family may be accepting , which is great, or they may completely protest and cut you off, you have to be prepared for all that if you plan to go with marriage later with this young lady.

Me thinks its just a fling for you at this stage and you are just beginning your discovery of the female part of the populace.

Well she is probably very demanding or has not put herself out there on the "market’ so to speak.
Many Tw girls just operate in that super tiny circle and don’t get exposure. That’s where the match makers come into play.

If i was available and much younger i will send her a resume :slight_smile: Probably get shot down though. haha

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You got her shitting where she eats. Naw dude not good at all. She might be a nice person but I’mma gonna be real, you have put her or yourself in a possible predictment.

A) Things don’t work out and she passively aggressively takes it out on your family.

B) things don’t work out and she blows up your and your family’s life with sexual harassment allegations

C) Things don’t work out and your Aunt fires her and she loses her source of income and this hurts her family.

Sorry. I think you should find someone who’s on equal footing. But should you continue, be transparent about this relation with your family so there’s no unnecessary drama.


Nama’s on the money here

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Wives gonna take over whether they be pretty or ugly

My wife likes to be the platoon leader and I’m the platoon.

Oh sorry you mean taken care of ?
Hey I don’t mind
But that’s not happening

But he can’t really be upfront with the family because then the problems start right now

THe bigger problem is that he can probably live without her but will she be ok letting him go?

Especially since she may be dreaming big dreams and she may be
Responsible for taking care of her family

And she sees her
Dreams coming true through him

May be hard to put that down when the shit hits the fan

Things could get ugly
We are talking suicide and all that

So it’s only workable
If they both understand they are playing and it’s not real

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Yeah, that’s why he PMed me shortly after figuring out I’m an Asian woman. :roll: