According to popular YouTube vlogger China's golden age is over for foreigners

It is a bit odd for him to claim to be British when he was born in South Africa. I could just as easily claim to be Irish, but I don’t think it would go down too well in a pub in Cork whilst ordering a large gin and tonic.


It’s quite common with Italians born overseas, myself included. Most where I grew up (if you asked what they were) would say Italian or Italian-Canadian.

That bloodline nationality and nationalism runs deep and I understand where he comes from. I was born with both nationalities and I usually pick and choose based off factors such as my feeling or if I don’t want to chit chat with random Taiwanese people. There are times where people are quick to “decide for me” and declare what they think I should be. It can get irritating.

It might also be the culture too. Italians born in Italy seem to have no problem with how I identify myself, but maybe other cultures are different.

I’m not Irish and you’re not Italian.

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That’s your opinion and you’re welcome to it. However, I don’t need anyone’s validation either because I already have the best validation, Governmental. I am in possession of Italian citizenship and nothing anyone says changes that fact.

Apologies. In which case you are.

A Canadian friend of mine got his Irish citizenship and passport because one of his grandparents was Irish.

My Irish ancestry is from five generations back, so I don’t qualify.

I’ve got an Irish passport on account of my mother.

people are going have their own classifications. chinese will think overseas born chinese are always chinese but they won’t think they are the same as them. taiwanese would most likely consider a foreigner born here or a mixed race kid not totally taiwanese.

personally i think the country you are born in and grew up in is the biggest part of what you are. your blood or culture or heritage is still part of it but its secondary. my blood isn’t even a quarter english but thats what i am. i would consider you canadian italian and winstonserpentza south african quarter english.

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I think you mean the other way around, Italian-Canadian. Canadian is the noun, Italian is the adjective.

Why isn’t there Irish English? It’s weird. There’s no national adjective for (what is technically still an adjective) English.

There is for Italian Canadians. I dunno.

ok to clarify i would say you are a CBI.

I went into a wormhole of YouTube comments that followed the video referred to in the OP. This is what I gathered from the comments:

  • stupid white western imperial education has polluted the brains of overseas Chinese.
  • China doesn’t need the western imperial capitalists.
  • China’s invention of gunpowder is the reason they are so powerful today.
  • 5000 years of culture survived the Cultural Revolution and the West is jealous of China’s culture.
  • Western capitalists were too greedy so it is their own fault that IP is stolen from them.
  • George Orwell didn’t write a warning in ‘1984’, he wrote a playbook.

If you want to see the real funny ones you need to get on cringefests like Zhihu or Weibo.

I wouldn’t have a problem with you saying you are Irish if you have a recent Irish ancestry and an affinity and good understanding of Ireland. Accents are a stupid way to judge somebody. In fact I know quite a few people like that, some identify more as Irish and some more as English.

Interestingly we do have a term for English Irish , they tended to be the landed elite and they were the Anglo-Irish. A notable example would be Oscar Wilde.

The reasons I don’t think we hear about Irish-English is I think is that many Irish married into English families freely and therefore the ancestry was easily ignored. So you get a lot of people with one granddad or gran that was Irish. Also there was a hell of a lot of racism against Irish people in Britain over the centuries, even bad into the 50s and IRA campaign up to the 90s. So the Irish ancestry wasn’t celebrated.
Plus Irish people can effectively blend in to become British if they want to…As some are actually British to start with and we get all the cultural references.
I don’t think people should be pigeon holed too much by country of birth .

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Lol@ppl arguing other ppl’s nationality yet when I said there were no white Taiwanese ppl I was called the ethnocentric racist nationalist.

Yeah man YouTube comments AND Chinese male nationalists …You have to scrub yer eyes after reading them.

Then why are Chinese Malaysians and Malaysian Chinese the same people?

Taiwan person immigrates to the USA and becomes Taiwanese-American. White American immigrates to Taiwan and becomes what, American-Taiwanese? (Does it matter if they renounce their US citizenship?) But then we say “ABC” and “ABT” which is the other way around.

Snatch was only 18 years ago! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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