According to popular YouTube vlogger China's golden age is over for foreigners

In the beginning some of the content was a bit naive, but in his later videos he seems to really have learned a lot about chinese culture.

So what do you want to go meet at the playground by the seesaw and have a push-up contest or what?


It’s easy to call somebody a loser but in the end…most of the people doing the name calling…ain’t no great shakes themselves.

K-man is jumping in on this guy’s success.

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K-man get yer own stories ya lurker ya!

I love how Serpentza is quoted as if he’s won the Nobel peace prize or something .


lets not pretend the country was a bed of roses before either. it was still a totalitarian state with no human rights and heavy nationalism. now its upgraded to a totalitarian dictatorship. but yea i agree xi needs to go, hes a nightmare.

True, but the general direction under Hu at least gave you hope. Things seemed to be slowly opening up

Some - not all - of what he says in that video is nonsense. But he does definitely do a good job of catching the feel of the Shenzhen urban Village. Felt like I was there for parts of that.

I’ve seen like one of his videos (unless it was someone else looking like him) and it was a bit boring.


Or he can just ignore them and not provide the backstory.

Lots of South Africans have recent British ancestry . Culture is very different than the Boers.


I’ve also heard from some friends in China that it’s been less friendly for foreigners recently. One moved to Thailand recently after opening a business in Beijing for many years successfully. I think this is going to be the trend for a while. Nationalism and anti foreigner feelings have been rising from around 2013 when I was there. Many people I met from that time have said it was time to move back recently. Could be just their time as well. Also noticed anti Taiwan sentiments rising.


i think he said his gran was british or something. based on that logic i should be going around saying i am german should i? its rather obvious he likes to pass off being a brit instead of a south african. he even uses outdated english words like pikey which people havent used in like 20 years.

i don’t like his acting like he’s some kind of paragon of virtue either. he’s clearly not.

I know other South Africans like Winston, they don’t really fit in well in with Afrikaner culture , they may as well be British (in the old days they would be called colonials I guess) to be honest especially if they spent most of their adulthood overseas and will never go back there. I know he may not be technically British but I get why why might not be too bothered about all that South African baggage.

i never said he was an afrikaner, doesn’t make him any less of an south african though. and theres nothing wrong with that. as an english person i don’t appreciate fake imitations. just be yourself man, be honest with yourself and people. especially when they are basically paying you to live.

That’s fine as long as the camo shorts brigade doesn’t invade Taiwan, especially the ones who wear socks with their sandals

imitating being British should be punished by birching. That’s inexcusable.

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Posted a terrible attempt at humour. I apologize to any S.A. forumosans.

IIRC, his parents are British. I think he could qualify for a UK passport, and I’d recommend he seek the help of a British immigration law firm to help him. Then he’d be free of the constraints of his SA passport, which he complains about for its lack of power.

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you’re not entirely wrong. in this older video he says his family are from england and gives his justification for presenting himself as a fake brit to chinese people.

however in this recent one one he reveals it was just one of his grandads that was from england, and thats it.

OK, thanks.

More on the topic, Winston and C-Milk’s friend Prozzie, who lives in Taiwan now, also explains this increasing anti-foreigner sentiment in China (time mark 4:24):

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