Accused of domestic violence

I was about to correct you on that, but hey whad’ya know, Seychelles has dropped way down to 12th place! So yeah, USA #1. :roll_eyes:

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No charges? Not even starting divorce proceedings?

Bit foolish, IMO…


:thinking: Are you sending mixed messages Hanna! Oh no . Wait… That was namahottie. :joy:

What’s worse is number 2 and on is countries like Russia and other “third world hellholes” that the US tells us are communist dictatorship type countries… Kinda makes you wonder if we’re being lied to about USA being land of the free and all that…


I wish at 18 they were independent! Dream on Tommy!

In Taiwan there’s no concept of children being “free” at 18. Legally sure, they are adults but parents here never lets them go and I believe people here actually have legal obligations to take care of elder parents too…

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Well 21 in the case of civil law. :thinking:

Isn’t it 20?


I meant if the wife gets the kids they are adults at 18 and can reconnect with the father

Find the kids’ passports and lock the passports away some place that your wife can’t get them.

Protect your money by moving to a NEW bank account that does not have your wife’s name on it, and that she cannot access.

Treat your wife nicely. Talk to your lawyer about various scenarios and how to prepare. Just in case.


Preferably offshore.

I’m sure the OP is aware that now is the time to be cold and logical. Legal advice is a no-brainer. As is protecting assets and maintaining a verifiable history of events. This is a window of opportunity moment.

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OP’s flippant behavior at this time is a bit suspect, if I’m honest. Attempting to kidnap children across borders and framing your spouse for domestic violence…this is not typical behavior. Why wouldn’t one pursue legal recourse? Or at least secure a psychiatric check for the wife? Something seems off.


Maybe the wife has hijacked his account. :thinking:

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Of course we never know the full story. Yes, if someone made a false accusation against me of spousal battery that would be the line crossed for blindingly obvious reasons. But, people respond in different ways.

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In the last year or so, our relationship has been deteriorating for reasons I don’t think I need to get into, and my wife’s mental state has been deteriorating in tandem.

No kidding.

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Yeah, I know. It’s often like this.

There’s a lot of money in running prisons…Nothing free about going to prison. :grinning:

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12 posts were split to a new topic: Phones, etc. in prison

care to point out where I was sending a mixed message?

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