Adam Schiff, progressive rock star

Yes. Schiff is a talented guy.

I noticed that in the parts where he needed to be precise and accurate in his statements, he read from a piece of paper and do so. When he was able to swing wildly with accusations, he shot from the hip - I don’t find him to be as much of a a compulsive liar as a political animal who was trying to raise his profile for elections in the future.


Pelosi’s replacement.

And the extracurricular activities…

That Ed Buck?

None other.

His belt buckle looks like evidence.

Of clawing his way to the top? :grin:

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I don’t think he likes them that young, but maybe he shrank it…

A political animal is a high functioning compulsive liar.

I don’t think you lend the solemnity that moment deserved.

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A real winner doesn’t wait for his big break. He makes his own breaks.

I’n no Nadler fan, but give him his due for waddling up there and asserting himself. And let’s not kid ourselves. This is show business.

To his credit his belt buckle didn’t budge when he broke into full waddle.

In sprinters we would ascribe that to enormous upper body strength, but I think in Nadler’s case it’s because his belt buckle is located over his sternum.

Adam Schiff has these Crazy black evil eyes like Strzok.

Air Biscuit floats a candidate for the Dems.

Not sure who or what is “Air Biscuit” is, I assume you picked up on the name Hillary Clinton, I was wondering if that was possible under contested convention rules.

Sanders supporters are going to go into overdrive to avoid that possibility.

Not quite, but anyhoo…

I predict a broken convention.

Adam Schiff is no way, that’s your right wing paranoia kicking in.

edit/ you would also miss numerous data points that have Clinton fingerprints, Schiff is an errand boy.

On Air Biscuit connects his own dots in his own way.