Adopting a cat in Taipei

Are you from one of the organizations that I mentioned earlier?

Either shelters or just someone with a free kitten to give away. Nobody should have to buy animals from a pet store, it’s a disgusting practice too. When my last cat died a friend offered to buy me a kitten and I flat out told him no. I wanted no part in purchased pedigreed animals. Only cats from shelters or from someone who is looking for a home for a kitten/cat. Also I need my cat to be able to keep pests away, and pedigreed animals are often a poor choice for this.

But if you get a cat from a friend you’ll have to do all the deworm/desex thing. A lot of people think it’s cruel to desex a cat so they won’t do it, and I told them it’s basically cat torture if you don’t desex them as they will desperately want to make kittens and are denied the option. I saw one in a person’s home in Austin and I felt sorry for the cat. Told him he needs to desex it.


The “shelters” that I saw were selling pets as well - something like $3k to get on a list for a kitten and twice that for a dog - and appear to have more hoops to leap through than the average Taiwanese bank.

Nope but I support them and we all follow the same principles. Medical care, fees, try our best to insure cats are going to a safe place with a loving family. That’s why there are hoops.

2600 NTD is just cost for rabies shot. For starters. Desexing is a delicate procedure, as with anything that involves anesthesia. Hence, the expense.

You are not paying for your pet. You are paying forward for the next animal that needs care. If a cat or dog has been caught in a trap, hit by a car or is sick, bills can go into the tens of thousands.


Charcoal is waiting for a loving home.