Adult Virgins?

Oh well, Sandman, just reporting what I’ve heard. Besides, I’m enjoying the wild and crazy life of a bachelor. :unamused:

Another thought occurred to me, screamin’ jesus, about whether a legal age of consent is necessary. Consider the alternative – having it unlawful to engage in sex with a person who does not consent or is not mature enough to make a meaningful decision. With every girl who enters your ktv room, jesus, you’d have to deliberate whether her maturity is sufficient to pass legal muster before you ask for the special treatment or face possible criminal prosecution. Heck, there’s plenty of 30 yr olds that would land you in jail with that standard (bringing the discussion back to its original topic :wink: ).

Meanwhile, in the US. . .

Study Finds 1 in 5 Youths Have Sex Before Age 15

About 20 percent of adolescents have had sexual intercourse before their 15th birthday

In Victorian Britain, the Age of Consent for females was 12 while for males was 14. In 1870, the average life span for men was 40…women died younger due to childbirth. Average people didn’t spent their time “getting their heads together” or screwing around in grad school avoiding getting a job. They lived faster and did more things because they didn’t have the time to waste.

[quote=“blueface666”]In Victorian Britain, the Age of Consent for females was 12 while for males was 14. In 1870, the average life span for men was 40…women died younger due to childbirth. Average people didn’t spent their time “getting their heads together” or screwing around in grad school avoiding getting a job. They lived faster and did more things because they didn’t have the time to waste.[/quote]

In Canada, and please correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe Statutory Rape laws only kick in at age 16 or age 14 if not of previously chaste character.

But who’d want to have sex with a Canadian?