Advice on financial aspects in dating a taiwanese woman

She’d have to be a 20 something super model for 50% :joy:

I’m going to say pass on this.


Tell her to fuck right off. Use those exact words.


That’s the old school where mom stayed home to look after the kids. Some still do it. You’re dating a mature woman who has had almost 20 years of income. She has probably given her income to her parents to administer and either it’s a nice nest-egg or her brother had a nice wedding and drives a sweet car off of it. You don’t want someone else with control of your money.




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Why are you even thinking about this?


Supermodels can make their own bank so they’d never ask.


I do know of a few couples where the husband gives the wife “spending money” or I guess “an allowance” of ~NT30-40k/month, but they all have kids and the wife is usually either not working or not working enough hours to support herself. I’m pretty sure in the US you’d just have a combined bank account, but I would hesitate to put all of my money into a combined bank account because I have seen first hand how much romantic partners can scam people so I officially have zero trust in anyone at all/take comfort in knowing I and only I have a certain amount of money that is mine if I need it. I can think of far more couples here that I know where the husband pays for absolutely nothing and the wife is responsible for covering all childcare costs, the kids’ afterschool/weekend activities, buying clothes and school supplies, etc. and the husband only spends his paycheck on prostitutes.

Women do tend to be responsible for managing the day-to-day finances here, but that would mean she takes responsibility for budgeting and making sure the bills are paid, not that she takes all your money and does what she wants with it

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Is she Japanese? That is the traditional custom in Japan where the wife takes care of the household money and gives the husband an allowance for fun, drinks ect., but in current times it changing a bit. In Taiwan some people do this but from what I know not many. If your not married it would seem odd to do this and it seems she takes you as naive. Its hard think she would say that to you and more so a co worker!


I would wonder, in a spirit of friendly reciprocity and mutual respect, what steps the other party is willing to take to demonstrate a commitment. Seems like a test and/or taking-advantage-of that could work both ways…

Yeah, one of my younger hotter tinder dates (mid-20s) basically said I didn’t shell out enough money on our first few dates and that is obviously why she isn’t interested in me. My first reaction was, if I wanted to pay for it there is a much more convenient system that eliminates all drama and responsibility and boils it down to a simple financial transaction (but, that isn’t what I want). my second thought was that it was good, i’d dodged a bullet and didn’t have to waste any more time and money on that one.

but not to continue dating, which was a specific proviso in the OP


I was responding to the follow up question about married women.

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oh yeah, my bad

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Right now I’m thinking about how many Taiwanese people I have met that really think that foreigners are that stupid. Employers mostly, but also random people trying to get me to join MLMs or their Christian cult. And apparently romantic partners. It’s a lot of “this is how we do things here” and “you’re not going to find any offer that’s better elsewhere because I am the only person you can trust” on a level that I never experienced in the US. That’s not to say people don’t try that shit everywhere, but I feel like I have people trying to convince me that the Earth is flat or that “in Taiwan everyone…” about things that are easily proven false all the freaking time.


F’ing hell, man. Was her brother sitting at the table with you as well? I’ve had one of those in the early days.

i never met the family, only met the girl 3-4 times

Funny. I’ve used “everyone in Canada makes their girlfriend eat stinky tofu or fish on the balcony” before.


Small wonder this lady is still single.


That logic doesn’t work as well for us single guys in our 40s, though…


50% - while dating
100% - married life
RUN!!! This is a true colors of a gold diggers.


I’m talkin’ first date, mother made younger brother go along with her. She was 35 at the time.


So did brother say “OK”