Advice on financial aspects in dating a taiwanese woman

hahahahahahahaha hahahahahaha!


And Iā€™m correctly it turns out, assuming the rest.

Maybe she was sparing your feelings. :laughing:
Anyway, good on you for joining the smosh pit.

At THOSE prices?? He might think again.


not my understanding

possible. seems highly probable that if i were younger and fitter the money may have been less of an issue. anyways, on the thread about financial aspects of dating a taiwanese woman, i have only had this one story to contribute.

tinder makes it fairly easy to have a steady stream of disappointing first dates with no follow up. a few interesting experiences that iā€™ll not discuss here. only the one girl who explicitly made money an issue. much like the flob it has been more of an entertainment sprinkled with frustrations.

Go Dutch and give that as a reason why. :laughing:


@katana , maybe consider this: itā€™s her way of trying to break away from you. Sheā€™s thinking, no guy in his right mind would consider such a fuqqing offer, so heā€™s gotta break up with me :pray:


Can we have some background? It seems that youā€™re pretty lonely since you said thereā€™s no else to talk about this. Do you share a lot of emotional stuff with her?

Make her a counter offer. Tell her if she gives you half her salary youā€™ll use it to pay legal and other expenses necessary to unlock your million dollar trust fund in the U.S. Tell her youā€™ll give her half and throw in a U.S. passport too once the deal goes through successfully.


I personally would not do this. IN this modern world we need to share expenses (unless like tommy you marry someone young enough to be your daughter and clearly you are the bread winner)

you are in taiwan? The source of gawzillion taiwanese girls who will not make such a demand?

and she is a spinster by tw standards and already past her ā€œsell byā€ date so she really is not in a position to ā€œdemandā€ . sorry to be harsh (to her)

ok to share a little more (tommy hates short stories). It is true that she may be ā€œpracticingā€ because many taiwan men do fork over their entire salaries to their wives (notice wivesā€¦not girlfriends). So asking for half is training in her eyes possibly.

I did fall into such a trap as a young manā€¦in the days before everyone had a cell foneā€¦yesā€¦THAT long ago.

I had a gf/fiancee who demanded a sizable portion of my salary for this reason . She was a stewardess who actually made more than i didā€¦i should have asked for half her salary. Long story short after paying up for about a year (luckily not longer) she ended up marrying someone she met in First Class and her parents informed me (they liked me) and also said they requested their daughter return me the money as she was not marrying me now. Long story short i got a letter informing me (she lived in HK) that she ā€œintendsā€ to return the moneyā€¦girl goneā€¦money most definitely GONE.

Buy a house, put a monthly on that in your nameā€¦dont invest in a GF monetarily.


All future queries about dating Taiwanese womens should have their own forum thread. ā€œAsk Dr. @tommy525ā€ as heā€™s been there, done that and living on the other side of it all. Any future Tinder dates questions should be referred to "Ask Dr.Dr. @TT ".


The double PhD is a nice touch. :rofl:



If you can track her down, you could try to send her a bill that includes all the interest sheā€™s accrued. Plus late payment fees


ā€œfield workā€

Actually, I used to work with a guy who did research on Thai bar girls and learning English. Seems like a good way to spend that grant money! ā€œfield workā€


I met a girl in Taiwan 46 years old widow, me 54. I moved into her apartment and she wanted 50% of my income thatā€™s how itā€™s done. OK she paid the rent, bills but never groceries or beer!!! Ending my whole income was taken I had very little money to myself.
Trying to rectify got no where she insisted how it was and not changing. 11 months I lived this way.
My solution: Tinder, my own apartment and lots of dates.
All the dates where different when came to money, some insisted on best restaurants I pay, others didnā€™t mind so much liked romantic walks in the park, some planning our future after date 2 with monies being mentioned.
I have a Taiwanese girlfriend, widower 55 me 58 our way is: I home cook for us, she pays restaurants, she likes nice ones :+1: she rents the apartment, new one just for us, her sons live in family apartment, I give her going rate $nt10000 she pays bills. Sheā€™s very generous to me even when Iā€™m stuck in U.K. presently.
This is a good situation for me, donā€™t get trapped in the 50% because that wonā€™t be all of it and youā€™ll have a very boring life.


I guess she saw you as a pushover to make that kind of demand. She is a con artist. Tell her to buzz off.


So do girls just demand money from men because theyā€™re female?

basically, yes. itā€™s science

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Wait ā€œmonkey meatā€?

Chimps eat other monkeys!??


Suggest offering a pre-nuptial agreement. You contribute 50% while she contributes as well to a joint account. However, if divorced all money earned before marriage is returned to ā€œownerā€. Then tell her you hope to date for at least another 5 years.


Well that sounds great in a marriage, perhaps, but this is just the opā€™s first date.

What guarantee will the OPā€™s date remain in a relationship?