Afghanistan is at war (again)

Not Taliban, fleeing government troops. See @Charlie_Jack’s post.

Ah, Mardo Sorgham was absolutely 180-degrees wrong then, when he said it was the Taliban.

I get it. Geometry isn’t your forte.

Why is it important who is giving the military equipment to Iran?

I’m just now seeing this thing. I looked it up, and I guess it’s been around for, what, at least fourteen years? (I mean the site itself, not that particular article.)

Looks interesting, but fourteen years! Afterwards, I guess I’d know some stuff, but that may be too much reading for me. :slight_smile:

More importantly was that that article came out in mid august. Pearly a signal that the Taliban was back and would soon be in control. MAGA indeed.

I’m tempted to really dig into that thing. I’d need some other reading, too, I guess. Maybe more history.

About the Taliban, I began to have doubts a while back. I ain’t Sherlock Holmes, but I think there were some reports pretty far back there that things weren’t going too well (I’m not sure of the time frame because I kind of didn’t want to read about that :slight_smile: ).

But what happened to the Northern Alliance? I don’t like meddling, but if we were going to meddle, I think most of it should have been devoted to helping those guys.

Also, isn’t it weird how Northern Alliance + Special Forces guys on horseback + air support = success, but all the later troops and lives and treasure ended in failure?

If you have the time, or are interested, this conversation is with one of the first guys into Afghanistan. At about the 1:30:00 mark, he starts talking about the dynamics at play there.

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Thanks, I’ll give it a listen.

’ The Taliban raped and beat a gay man in Kabul …’

Doesn’t that make them gay?

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I think most gay people would be offended at the suggestion.

man-on-man sex is a part of the culture, has been for a long time

i think it is only gay, to their mind, if someone is on the receiving end and enjoys it

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TE Lawrence wrote about this a century ago.


Aren’t military NDAs 20 years? Does anyone know?

I’m only at about 56:30; I spent a lot of time fart-assing around, trying to sort of take notes, and looking up a few things. I finally started using Google Docs voice typing (which sort of works, but doesn’t punctuate in situations like this) to get some of this down in text.

Anyway, at about 56:30 it’s already getting weird:

He keeps on like that, and he mentions a B-52 and a 2,000-pound bomb, and they haven’t even gone into combat yet, and I’m like, What?! Very confusing, so I finally just look it up:

Thomas Shanker, “Applying Early Lessons to Build Afghan Security,” New York Times, May 21, 2013 (I didn’t read the whole New York Times article, just the part about the B-52.)

Anyway, now it’s getting a little wild.

I don’t look at that guy along with hearing his voice and think, “That is one shitkicking mofo”. Wild stories for sure.

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So ‘gayness’ is OK as long as it’s not called gay?

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