After I stopped returning her calls, this is what happened

if post marriage then she will be carrying her husband’s briefcase around, instead.

it’s karma…

Tell us. I think the normal response would be sure if the bag was heavy or she needed a free hand. If fact other than a purse most guys would offer to carry a bag for a woman.

If a new girlfriend asked you to carry her purse around all day most western guys would grumble and say nothing. I would say the third time she asked the guy would make a big fuss and the girl not understanding would react with anger.[/quote]

There’s a thread on this somewhere.
Humping “bags” whilst out shopping, for example, is one thing, I got no beef with that.
Carrying your GF/wife’s purse is something else entirely.
Around my place, the response would be something like
“Sure, I’ll carry your purse, honey. As long as you scratch my balls when they need it.”

The Mrs. has once or twice drawn my attention to this behaviour when we were out.
“See, he’s carrying her purse for her, I think that’s nice.”
“Do ya? I think he looks like a fuckin 9-year-old. Do you want people to think you’re married to a fuckin 9-year-old? Go find one.”

[quote=“the chief”]
The Mrs. has once or twice drawn my attention to this behaviour when we were out.
“See, he’s carrying her purse for her, I think that’s nice.”
“Do ya? I think he looks like a fuckin 9-year-old. Do you want people to think you’re married to a fuckin 9-year-old? Go find one.”[/quote]

I’ve never seen a 9-year-old carry a purse for a girl.

Not that I would do it.

Get yourself caught snooping through it. You’ll never carry the purse again.

as if the thought that her purse itself might have cost him NT$100,000, isn’t repulsive enough…

Defend your honor the old-fashioned way – Challenge him to a duel.

or a duo (in Karaoke).

OH GOD This suggestion is so funny I almost pissed:-))

You have a number of options.

1 Do nothing, but carry a weapon.
2 Move away
3 get a group of your friends together , find the boyfriend, force him to listen, and make it damn fucking clear what will happen to him if anything happens to you.

As nothing has happened as far as we know yet and it has been a while, i would say option 1 is ok still. If you think the kid is for real with his threats, option 2 is better in my opinion. Why ? well you are only in Taiwan for a small % of your life. It will be pretty insignificant in 10 years. 3 but if you would rather swallow your blood than your pride and have some good mates here, confront him. when i was 20 i would have done this, now i am older i realise it probably is not worth it.

But if he comes to you ! charge him screaming, if none of them bottle it you will go down with pride and reputation intact. But target all your blows on him, bite him gauge him and make him your target.

Then when you are recovered, plough her again, and leave Taiwan

This is such a familiar story, I wonder why there isn’t a foreign-dude serial killer in Taiwan yet.

Is he dead yet?

Come on, freakkaerf…keep us posted! :popcorn:

I just spend about 20 minutes reading this entire forum… priceless
OP way to go man you got some, but as always you have consequences. Trust me, just man up and deal with it, I’m sure you cant have slept with a girl that is dating a gangster, the odds are quite slim.
The same shit happened to me in Beijing with a Korean chick, Korean guys (from what I experienced) don’t have too much mercy, the girl was worth it tho… :smiley:

OP may have left the rock?

Laying low? Gone to the mattresses? Roughed up and in ICU? Stranger things have happened.

Hey freakkaerf, so many things you can do.

  1. Move to a new apartment (next to a police station), change you contact number(s), and get a new hobby to keep you busy at night. Also consider drinking at home from now on. Also try to keep the pot smoking and bongo drum playing at a minimum seeing that you’ll live next to the cops.
  2. Buy a water gun (preferably a big one) and fill it with chili-powder-water mix and carry it with you at all times.
  3. Carry a bag of water balloons filled with petrol (gas),… and a Zippo. At all times.
  4. Get plastic surgery…face off.
  5. Join a scooter gang of your own, and basically marry the gang. Spending 100% of your free time with them. Make sure they are bigger and fatter,…with beards and chains and shit.
  6. Buy a chastity belt. There are more things that can be done with a baseball bat apart from hitting someone. Also never, ever remove your scooter helmet. Just to be safe.